SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

dons tinfoil hat

Frost might be Demwir

just a thought

You Frost, are real Demwer.

That was so bad I’m OMGUSING you, and you’re already labeled as scum!

Frostwolf, I honestly don’t understand why you’re starting shit. Unless you’re a Demwir who’s trying to deflect attention away from your Prince.

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Liklihood, yes

I’ll see you guys later

/vote Frost

wagon this

My prince? No, I don’t even have night chat. So stupid…

Prince didn’t kill Frost BUT they jailed him?

If they were scum, why even bother jailing their own member?
But if they weren’t scum, why not execute?

Does this mean the Prince actually executed Simon N2 and is out of executes? :thinking:

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I’m supposed to believe what you say? You’re confirmed non-Adiart, your claims and reads mean less than squat to me at this point.

/royal finger Frostwolf

Well ok, I got my win. So what’s the point if Demwir is going to win next day?

I am just giving you helping hand, but yeah you can just kill neutral Scorned just like garbage and not think for yourself.

/vote Insanity

Now that Decide Fate is out of the way.

I really think Frost is trying to save his Prince.

Or he’s been a Fool all along. More likely that.

Like I give a shit about this Prince?

If he and I are Demwir, it should be impossible.

Here’s the thing with this wagon:
Working under the assumpion that Insanity is indeed the Demwir Prince (at this moment it looks like nothing else is possible, from my PoV), his actions this game have absolutely been baffling me.
I’m still in favor of lynching Insanity, but I’m willing to wagon Frostwolf if PKR, the only person I trust implicitly right now, decides it’s what’s best.

And Sketch, Frostwolf can’t be Fool because he was night immune. Unless Fool got buffed for this SFoL which seems unlikely.

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Methnor, you forgot I wasn’t attacked once.

Ah right, right.

This is the weirdest Prince I’ve ever seen.

I did forget that @ what Frostwolf said above.
Ignore me, Fool is still very much on the table.
That being said, Frostwolf reminding me of that gives him some anti-Fool cred.