SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

You dare to accuse him of killing with no proof?
You fool. You know nothing!

You know what? I can help Adiart as promised, no idea why I haven’t thought about this.

/vote Insanity

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No you can’t seriously think something you forget and tell this to remember you prove I am not Fool.

What are you, brainfarted?

Now we have a hammer of insanity

Also sketch, that was royal finger, not decide fate

I would’ve thought you’d wanted to be proven not Fool so that you don’t get executed today.

You seem extremely concerned for someone who’s supposedly already won the game.

Who exactly?

Give me proof.

And yes, I absolutely did brainfart by forgetting that you never were attacked in the first place. I already admitted it and admitted that you corrected me.
The reason I forgot is because of all the hubbub yesterday (RL time), the fact that you’ve stated that you already won (rendering you essentially off my radar for this game because I have bigger shit to worry about), and the fact that I’ve resigned the fact that I’m never going to Matchmake you because that’d be a waste (as you’re going to come back not compatible whether you’re actually Scorned or Demwir).

Who exactly what? Proof of what? What is that question even?
Your behavior is not consistent with someone who’s already won the game. I understand wanting to help Adiart (and am grateful for your vote) but that’s not how someone like that reacts.

You can only use one day ability per day, not both.

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Okay, let me ask again: with who am I concerned for? I got nothing to lose.

That’s a good question which I honestly don’t have a ready answer for at the moment, so I’m willing to drop this.
Your posts just read of weird panicking for some reason which I didn’t understand.

I am confused now…

We were probably just talking over each other and I misconstrued your intentions. I apologize.

Actually, rereading over the last few posts, I believe I found the misunderstanding:

I didn’t understand this question because I think you misread me - what I meant by that quote is that you seem extremely concerned as a player who’s supposedly already won the game. (the “for someone” doesn’t mean someone else, it means you).

Let get me this straight: PKR saved Wolfy?

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because of course he fucking would

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I’ve seen PKR heal Wolfy as a Physician every single night despite the fact Wolfy was Assassin the whole time…:joy:

Oh I get it now, Polik is Invoker, not Soulcatcher.

But wait a minute…isn’t Simon immune to death once?

Simon may not have started with a soul, so he could’ve been vulnerable to a normal night attack.

Well ok then.

Five votes against Insanity, why did you unvote now @Sketch?

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