SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

Blender - Hosted by eevee and cohosted by @orangeandblack5

General rules

  1. Follow The Global Forum Rules.
  2. Respect the host and the players.
  3. If you havent’t posted content in 36 hours, you’ll be prodded for inactivity. if you don’t respond to that prod in 16 hours, you will be force replaced.
  4. No private messaging others in the game about the game.
  5. Do not screenshot private host messages.
  6. Don’t throw the game. This inculdes any form of intent to make you or your faction lose.
  7. Refrain from posting so many times in a row.
  8. You are allowed to leave the game but doing it will net you are temporary blacklist meaning you can’t join fourm games for a while. futher leaving may net with a permanent blacklist.
  9. Days last 96 hours, or until majority is reached for execution. Nights last 48 hours.


  1. To accuse someone say “/accuse [player]” or “/vote [player]”
  2. Votes saying Guilty or Not Guilty before the target is on the stand will not be counted.
  3. Should the votes reach the majority, that player will go on trial. They can say a defense, and the rest of the players must vote Guilty or Not Guilty on the thread.
  4. Players can discuss while the target is on trial.
  5. No one is able to use day powers when a trial is in session. The Only exception is the king’s Decide Fate.
  6. After the voting, the King has 24 hours to choose to allow or veto the vote. Should the king not respond, the majority vote will be accepted.
  7. The day timer does not stop when the target is on trial.
  8. If the day timer runs out before a total majority is hit, the option with the most votes is what happens to the target.

Picking a New King

  1. When the king dies 24 hours is given for any player with royal blood to step up and take the throne.
  2. After that 24 hours anyone is free to step up.
  3. If only 1 person steps up when the day ends that person becomes the king
  4. If 2 people step forward everyone votes on who should be the next king. Whoever has the most votes during the end of the day becomes the king. If the votes are tied whoever stepped up 1st becomes the king
  5. King does NOT lose the old class when elected. They only gain additional abilities: Royal Finger, Decide Fate and Guard!
King "bonus" rolecard



Message me your entire journal, the last draft I receive before you die shall be the one displayed

To Join

To join, simply express interest in joining by saying something like “I want to join” or “/join” or “/in” or “sign me up, coach” or whatever you want.
There is no limit to number of people who can participate in this game.
Deadline @ 13.09 Wednesday 1:00 PM

Game specific rules:

[epic voice on] Adiart under siege! Old sworn enemies must cooperate to defeat the enemy from the outside. M̶a̶s̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶y̶o̶d̶a̶ King decided to close the gates, but assassins sent by the D̶a̶r̶t̶h̶ ̶V̶a̶d̶e̶r̶ Demwir Castle has long infiltrated the castle. Adiart citizens has once again decided to trust in theirs skills of finding liars. All in name of defending their land. [epic voice off]


Faction - Adiart (majority) / Demwir Invader (informed minority) / Neutral
Aligment - Blue Dragon / Cult / Unseen / Neutral


  1. All classes from Class Thread (except kings) are avaliable, but theirs FACTION will be randomised. Due to that, they will have small balance changes introduced. (ex. Neutral Observer, Adiart Possessor ect.)
  2. Invaders and Neutrals can demand the rolecard for any faction and class, due to fakeclaim reasons. Adiart members don’t have such a posibility.
  3. Invaders have a factional, assigned night kill.
  4. Faction and/or Aligment conversion mechanics may or may not be present in the game.
  5. Full rolecard is flipped on death.
  6. All unique classes are unique within own FACTION. Meaning there could be 2 unique classes if they are of a different FACTION. (ex. Adiart Prince and Neutral Prince may roll in the same game).

Adiart wincon: Your objective is to Eliminate the Demwir Invasion, and any Neutrals who stand against you.
Demwir Invaders wincon: Your objective is to Eliminate Adiart and any Neutrals who stand against you

Living players:

  1. Jammy - King
  2. Sketch
  3. PKR
  4. Frostwolf


  1. Host’s sanity for hosting this game.
  2. Damafaud - Adiart Nightwatch - lynched day 2
  3. Simon - Adiart Soulcatcher - killed night 2
  4. Icibalus - Neutral Druid - lynched day 3
  5. Moleland - Adiart Aristocrat - killed night 3
  6. Insanity - Demwir Prince - lynched day 4
  7. Rogue - Adiart Ritualist - killed night 4
  8. Polik - Adiart Puppet - killed night 4
  9. RopeStringFace - Demwir Seeker - lynched day 5
  10. Wolfy - Adiart Cult Leader - killed night 4
  11. Methnor - Demwir Seeker - lynched day 6

Time stamps:

Night 1 start / Day 2 start
Night 2 / Day 3
Night 3 / Day 4
Night 4 / Day 5


/join looks interesting.

/join if you call them classes and not roles

I will keep calling rolecard a rolecard tho, cause classcard sounds stupid.

class card isn’t one word
also you could say “class PM”

but that’s acceptable i guess

This looks like absolute madness.


is there a blanket neutral objective or does the objective depend on the class
like scorned objective or survive or whatever the heck

or is that a spoopy secret

Objective depends on the class.

hands Eevee a Thunder Stone
Sign me up, baby!

why Jolteon

why not Flareon it’s so fluffy

Electric type > Fire

But it’s spiky you can’t hug spikes

Shush, I’m actually a sylveon under cover.

why is it “5/x” and not “5/16”

^ this

Literaly deadline signups. Not the limit one.


when’s the deadline

Tbh, I wanted to start game around wednesday to have EOD on weekends.

Not sure how many people will sign up till then tho. I will put deadline counter soonish.


Yay should be fun

All blame credit goes to @eevee