Short Fuse 2: Shorter Fuse [Misplays Galore] (Game Over: Mafia Wins)

Bomb and you lose your life.


Alice aving Wazzaā€™s detonator tomorrow is not a problem

Leave her be

I have to think about it,will read a bit.

At this point, considering the bomb on her, she still canā€™t get to Captain who I believe to be the most town.

BUT, Margaret couldā€™ve been a bus since she was powerless and useless.

If i can prove i was doing something else would you believe me? :thinking:

Sigh, then who are your scumreads?

Well I am quite sure Baz will bomb Marl so letā€™s hear from Merc /vote Mercenary


i havenā€™t read anything besides blueā€™s flip and this conversation yet

Eh, I donā€™t think Merc is a wolf. She has Hjasikā€™s detonator and Hja isnā€™t looking good to me right now.

@Alice i think bazinga is a wolf, wink wink nudge nudge

Do you have a read on baz?

Yeah but they can play risky so i need to consider it

can you accept that only a town would say this pls

ā€¦he has yet to post.

No because he has your detonator

I wouldnā€™t mind if Baz went kaboom right now.

I mostly agree with this list, but Iā€™m a bit unsure on Met. That progression on the proposed bomb was just scary.

It may have been a bus on Marg, but it depends on Marlā€™s flip.
I donā€™t think Marg would be bussed though unless they completely acted out and gamethrew.


Marl are you pulling a EW2