Short Fuse 2: Shorter Fuse [Misplays Galore] (Game Over: Mafia Wins)

Excuse you, I’ve been using them for ages. :roll_eyes:

I’ve been here longer :angry:

But have you been using them longer? :eyes:


If the first words you type aren’t “/detonate” and then pinging Boopy, what are you doing


Or Blue’s detonator, I’m also very content with that. :smile:

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You’re still salty I got Wazza to blow you up last game :eyes:

I’ll have 1 scum detonator please.

And rightfully so. :eyes:

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May 2017, you joined in December

My starting plan worked last game don’t @ me

I’m also absolutely certain I could’ve mathed the shit out of that game as well if I put in the effort

The next 5 posts you used 5 different emotes. I overuse these up to the point that I’m trademarking it. :eyes:

Blueeeee, there is no math that can save us here. There is none! It’s not a logic puzzle, it’s mafia.

It’s circular damnit

I’ll find a way

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Run in circles and get back to me. :eyes:

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You’ll be detonated before I have the chance :eyes:

Thirdmessage :eyes:


All math here has been tainted by mafia interfering somehow, only mafia try to be reasonable here.

I will strategically bomb scum or town depending on my read of them and the current game state, alongside my alignment.

Let’s just join eyes and make sure to stare down anyone that is afraid to look at us while we deathtunnel them. :eyes: