Short Fuse 2: Shorter Fuse [Misplays Galore] (Game Over: Mafia Wins)

I’m memeing, don’t take me seriously

I am going to roll lvl 35 mafia boss

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I’m /in


I really hope you don’t have my detonator

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No u

I can’t wait to see the spicy detonator relations.

Marl will get solics detonator

I can live with Marlmallow.


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Sweet, just one more.

(No hard feelings eh baz :sweat:)

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that’s mafia but calling mafia town

I know

> : )

I’m going to find it so funny if Baz gets your detonator.

If that happens I’m Ted Tonating immediately so I can at least do something

the chances of all 5 mafia being townread and not dying d1 is astronomical

I’m lucksploding another mafia D1 again, ain’t nothin’ gonna stop me



only doing this so the game fills


@Jazz Das it, full gaem