Short Fuse 2: Shorter Fuse [Misplays Galore] (Game Over: Mafia Wins)

You’ve already said that. Who else?

Oh ok

/vote Marl

holy fucking shit what fucking rigged thing is this you hold my detonator

this isn’t helping

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so you didn’t finish MiA?

that’s a shame

gg if this is town I guess

I’ve only watched 5 eps, also gtg now since next class is starting

someone fill me in on the stuff I’ve missed if it’s important

He told the truth, he survives

You don’t think we’re both town or both scum, yet you’d still want to blow us BOTH up, even though you’re saying it’s town and scum? Is this a slip in your fake reads? :thinking:

I’m not sure how I feel about you equating a dead town to a dead mafia member

@Captain @Emilia if y’all are both online at the same time I’d be okay with you both detonating tbh

Extremely high likelihood of taking out at least one scum

Oh you’re automatically assuming that you’d hit the town in that supposed town and scum first?

Or is that just the plan you setup? :smile:


Correction: “nani”

If there is one scum and one town in Marge and me, two things can happen.

the town blows up first or the scum blows up first.

You’re automatically assuming that the town would blow up first, because that is the plan you have setup.


How does the order matter if both players detonate at the same time wtf


Don’t you fucking dare, Orange is likely scum here.


Don’t go trigger-happy. We’re basically at MyLo.

Why would you ever detonate at the same time??? That’s soo scummy to say.

Them working together has an insanely high chance of pulling us out of mylo

and they should do it

Or they just trigger it and lose the game.