Short Fuse 2: Shorter Fuse [Misplays Galore] (Game Over: Mafia Wins)

Because Scum!Merc would never post like that.

They are too nice/formal as scum



but why should i listen to you

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Mercenaryā€™s refusal to co-operate by exploding a useless person made me EXTREMELY suspicious of both.

But why shouldnā€™t you, I hold the detonator of the most trusted town.

tfw ur actually at school cuz ur not a trouble maker


@Mercenary detonate hjasik

Iā€™m at school right now.

Donā€™t pull that to deflect

You have 10 seconds.

Whatā€™s with you both
Wasnā€™t one of you on ā€œlet hjasik talk firstā€

captain is most trusted? since when

so am i, baka

nvm forgot he detonated marg

I refuse to let maxi bomb you,I told you to bomb hja incase Max bombed

I really think Iā€™m right

btw with 10 secs I have made an extension for disabling to see who is typing
if anyone wants it as well:

div.presence-users {
    display: none;

I like that

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ok so as long as hj lurks u donā€™t have to detonate?

9048230948320IQ debug engineering as you see