Short Fuse 2: Shorter Fuse [Misplays Galore] (Game Over: Mafia Wins)

If you are town and marl is scum,you get the credit ,and if he is town,we can deduce the mafia from the info

We flip geyde or solic that is the optimal play

Geyde why wtf

If marl flips town,I would Lynch solic as that confirms hja and baz as town is solic is town and kills 1 scum if he is scum

@Jazz why does it say people died on D2


Baz,bomb marl,if he is town,we find 1/2 scum with the list


Do it

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Anytime I listen to you unwashed plebeians you’re always wrong, so not today.

u wot

The true intellectual of today should strive to not bend to the winds of the commons

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We need the info
I’ll take the blame if he’s towm

Marcus don’t encourage him

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Meteoro no you don’t

He does tbh

Ah yes scapegoats, like azazel cast off the cliff with the sins of israel upon him. Barbaric!

boy you will not ever come close to me if we’re talking angelology

Inb4 marl/baz scumteam

Just blow the man up

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