Short Fuse 2: Shorter Fuse [Misplays Galore] (Game Over: Mafia Wins)

But then solic wins

I play right into his hands

Even if Marl is Town

No, Solic doesn’t

Try the math

He doesn’t win if you kill marl

His big strong and masculine hands

literally wtf

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Why do I feel like this is scum protecting a teammate?

@Solic bomb baz if he doesn’t bomb marl

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Alright let’s do this like gentlemen. I roll a 1 and marl dies. I roll a 2 and he lives, then we vote solic. Do we agree?

Do it

@discobot roll 1d2

:game_die: 1

Good shit

Lmaoooo ok /detonate marl


hype @Jazz

Do it

He did lel

/vote Solic while eating explosive popcorn