Short Fuse 2: Shorter Fuse [Misplays Galore] (Game Over: Mafia Wins)

I’m a bit sleepy,but I have been thinking and I prefer to go Big or go home:Alice/Geyde/wazza scumteam is my bet
/Detonate @Jazz
(Now I sleep)

Ok we fuckin won

I’m feeling some of that but uh

Not all

Very large member play right here

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Not quite

Considering I pushed on Margaret AND have not blown up Captain yet, you’ve contradicted yourself.

No because blowing up captain is literally suicide

Then any mafia in their right mind would do it.

1 for 1 favors town

That’s why bodyguard is good

In this situation, not so much.

@Meteoro just blew up Geyde for no fucking reason when Geyde could’ve been asked to blow up Alice.

Oh I thought meteoro had alice as his target, that’s pretty sus. We definitely need to vote alice then

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Normally I’d try and solidify a read on Geyde but well too late

I thought so too lol

Wait does he

oh shit you’re right

Yeah he does lmao

nvm then Meteoro blowing that Alice up was reasonable.

I was about to say

Stop gaslighting me