Short Fuse 2: Shorter Fuse [Misplays Galore] (Game Over: Mafia Wins)

Short Fuse

This could either go really well or really shit, but if last time is any to go by it should at least be entertaining


11 Town
5 Mafia

Mafia requires parity to win rather than the total obliteration of the town faction

Mafia have a factional chat but do not have a factional kill
Days are 48 hours long
Lynches happen through either majority or plurality
You cannot vote for a nolynch

Game Gimmick

Each player has a bomb strapped to them, the bombs can only be disarmed when 1 faction wins.

At the beginning of the game, each player is publicly given a detonator.

At any point, you may type /detonate in the game thread to kill the player whose detonator you hold.

When a player dies for any reason (detonation or lynch), the detonator they hold is given to the player who holds their detonator, so if A can kill B and B can kill C, if B dies, A then has the detonator to kill C.

A player may detonate a maximum of one player per day.

Before the game starts, the Mafia must tell me if they want a Town detonator, a Mafia detonator, or for it to be random. A maximum of 4 Mafia detonators can be taken.

Once the player who has your detonator types /detonate, you can no longer detonate anyone, this rule is just a safety net if someone is detonated when I am asleep.

Changes from last game: 11:5 as opposed to 12:4, per popular demand I will send cards to Townies too

Signups (A -> B = A can detonate B)

  1. Alice - Detonated D1 (7) - Town
  2. Sam17z - Detonated D1 (4) - Town
  3. WazzaAzza - Detonated D2 (9) - Town
  4. Captain -> orangeandblack5
  5. Margaret - Detonated D1 (3) - Mafia
  6. DatBird - Detonated D1 (1) - Town
  7. orangeandblack5 -> MaximusPrime
  8. MaximusPrime -> H_Hjasik
  9. Mercenary - Detonated D1 (5) - Town
  10. H_Hjasik -> Geyde
  11. Solic - Lynched D1 (8) - Town
  12. bazingaboy - Detonated D2 (10) - Town
  13. Marluxion - Detonated D1 (6) - Town
  14. BlueStorm - Detonated D1 (2) - Mafia
  15. Geyde -> Meteoro
  16. Meteoro -> Captain



  1. Blizer
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/detonate, aka in

Will not participate, but can make another graph like in the first game if you need.



do it chief

Oh boy

Can’t wait to detonate scum first thing again


I will murder you if i’m next to you and you do it before I can talk. :eyes:


I don’t think the balance shift was needed and it is scumsided now but sure.

I like to think I did well last time



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Can I /join

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Hey, I only exploded Baz out of policy.

Just, y’know, turned out he was scum :wink:

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What happened the first time and do you know whose detonator you have

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Okay this is amazing /in

Even though scum gonna win


@Jazz shouldn’t the maximum be 4 mafia detonators

Not that you’d ever want to stack up that much lol

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Should be the case with the extra mafia added.

Everyone detonates D1

/in was so sad when the first one was filled before I saw it.


Town won last time :^)

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That was partially luck with Baz and now there’s 5 instead of 4