Short fuse V - Day 1 [6/12] - Mafia win... Day 1

In Lylo

Moral of the story donā€™t give people vigs

oh boy itā€™s not very good because lol!pg13 forums but okayyy

I think that applies to most of spec chat.

im assuming a bunch of katze + chloe + arete and a lot of hysteria at our playing


God this game was disappointing. The rand didnā€™t have that many powerful scum players(or so we thought. Appel actually had a great showing and is 100% maf MVP) but leave it to town to fucking implode.

Dry and braix and Derps all are the main reasons this town lost. Honestly really dissapointing shows from each of them. Right now it looks like dry and braix are trying to deflect but likeā€¦ those blow-ups were egregious.

The row det was far too impulsive IMO.
The kyo det came right after, was wayyyy to impulsive, and killed a town
the alice det killed the best town player in the game, who had an accurate PoE
The Hippo det was so fucking bad i canā€™t even

The only part of this game I really cam happy about was appelā€™s play. Def a great showing

otherwise this was pretty horrifying



Guess the only reads I can truly trust are my mislynch bait reads because there the only reads that are always right.
I know when someone is Town by that or not.

We literally ran our own short fuse game.

Spec chat is private
We requested

we were actually calculating a way to win despite being one detonate away
since it was nightless we couldā€™ve quicklynched and nuked before town even realized what was going on

and spec chats will not be public


huh wha?

Oh right shit my b.

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We asked to keep it private

we requested multiple times to keep it private, for good reason.
@Marshal can confirm

My reads were good too

Yeah spectator chats wonā€™t be public for personal reasons and other stuff.

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Love you

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