Short fuse V - Day 1 [6/12] - Mafia win... Day 1

Nothing, I’m just pissed at Braixen going “I solved the game, I solved the game” because he had all wolves in a 6-person PoE with 8 other players alive after he fucked up by detonating a villager for no reason. I’m not only pissed off at being detonated, but I’m also pissed at his ego when it comes to his reads and that he’s always deflecting the blame for the losses onto other people.

Frankly, I hope that I’ll never have to play with him again. I quit playing here when gamethrowers like Isaac and Marg were allowed to run rampant without any moderation actions whatsoever as games were a foregone conclusion when you had Marg vig’ing greenchecked players or Isaac claiming wolf and voting against consensus townreads as a villager, so if I keep having to play with a person who makes such plays purely out of grudges and then blames their gamethrowing on other players, or even accuses the wolves of breaking the rules because of salt over a loss, then forget it.

A social deduction game is only fun when people are playing to, or at least not playing against, their own wincon, and trust between players is essential for it to work.

So it should be obvious that if there is a player who intentionally plays against their own wincon and disrupts this form of trust between players, then the game becomes unfun and not working. I’ve been disliking Braixen since he returned due to his angleshooting, his accusation of people of breaking the rules for shit reasons, and now the straw that broke the camel’s back was him blatantly gamethrowing by vigging me because of me quickhammering as a wolf in RM4.

So in short, if he’s ever in a game, I’m likely outing as I don’t want to play with a person like this anymore. If he’s allowed to keep making these accusations such as how he claimed that Chloe was strategically replacing out despite that several people here backed her story, or if he can vig people he dislike just because, or if he can repeatedly nightpost to get themselves modkilled, then forget it, I’m out.

I’m here to enjoy a game. Having players who play against their wincon, angleshoot, or who intentionally try to weaponize the mod makes the game unenjoyable, so if I keep having to deal with Braixen throwing matches, being arrogant over his RNG’d reads, and other forms of shit-tier behavior then I’m simply going back to MU.

Holy shit okay you forgot the beginning of the [details]

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Alright we have exhausted conversation.


If there are any rule-breaking concerns with specific players, please direct them towards the Moderators.


…why and how was this bumped?

I think the thread might have been unlocked

Thread was unlocked so people can quote posts from it

anyway now to erase all memory of this game again



Someone requested it privately

In hindsight

This game is cursed and should never have been bumped


A game I’m not in that’s cursed?


Why have you allowed this game to be returned.

hey this game was not that bad :^)

Throwback to informed spec chat having more posts than the game

Also this game sucked keep it locked

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Haha bombs go boom

insert bad pun about fuse lengths here


Insert boomer pun here

I am severely disappointed that no one detonated in their first post