Short fuse V - Signups [12/12]


/spectate as a hydra with Anstreim

will probably low-effort this, fair warning

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Also I’m not expecting you to write massive wallposts full of theories anyway you nerd. Let me be the one to spam spectator chat :^)

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/Start Spectating Halfway Through The Game
@Marshal @Wazza

Ok then

I will add you to spec chat when 6 or 8 people(depending on game size) are alive




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you finally can spectate with me ans :^)


Will make a graph if you need it.

Presumably not

‘oh huh, we have 9 people all connected to each other in a circle, and 3 people connected to each other in a different circle. I wonder what happened.’

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yes, i fixed it.

a max of 2 mafia detonators may be taken if the game is a 12 player game, and a max of 3 mafia detonators may be taken if the game is a 16 player game

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Also /spectate

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All spectators have names starting with A.
This is going to be glorious.

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Everyone who’s name starts with A is spectating :eyes:

someone: so what letters do the spec’s names start with?

me: AAAA


Mindmeld with Amelia, probably Cult.

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did we just triple mindmeld?

Mindmeld with Anstreim, probably town

Triple mindmeld too OP

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/in as slot number GM

Oh right, I’m asphalt concrete rn.

Add me to spec list.