Short fuse V - Signups [12/12]

Then it shall be done.

Wait that would require all scum to choose each other as detonates

Well i have 0 authority on titles so itā€™s not likely

but if it happens Iā€™ll personally petition that you get some kind of explosion-related title

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The Sorcerer

by the power of magic rand town and blow up every single scum player

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technically possible
but also completely fucking iNsAnE

NAE: Not Alignment Exceptionalism

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what if you rand scum, blow up both your partners, and self-hammer?

Youā€™d probably get banned


Title: ā€œThe Bannedā€
+500% chance to be banned
can only be worn while suspended
definitely didnā€™t just make a videogame player title off of being banned

now i have to make another one just for the meme

Title: ā€œThe Sorcererā€
-50% cooldown for detonations
10% chance to not die when detonated

must be obtained by single handedly killing the entire scumteam via detonations as town

Whomā€™stā€™ve must I speak to, to obtain a title worthy of my feats

the only people who can do that are the ones with mod powers

this probably wonā€™t happen
currently thereā€™s only two ways to get a custom title: winning a class design contest or donating to i42ā€™s patreon
or special events like the hydra game occurring atm

Yeah, but you have to stay subscribed to keep it right?

you lose the fancy green color after it expires but can keep the title forever if you want

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I think xblade ruled that you donā€™t have to, actually


I know that which must be done. Wait. I donā€™t. Is it any of the levels or a certain one

let me give you the rundown

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