Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - [15/15] FULL

/informed spec

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Actually no.


I will in if night will actually be short, not 24h.

i mean, i can maybe poll 48/24 vs 36/12

but i’m not flat out swapping without talking to my cohost/asking the players

I meant more like 48/0 ?

how is this shortnight

I feel lied to.

i’ve fallen victim to my own trap

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to fit with the “Shortnight” flavor, automatically allow nightskips if all players vote for one, starting from N1

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to fit with the flavor im just making this catgirl jester nightless 2 somehow


Bad idea, makes the game have destabilized phase starting times if happens, but also very low chance to happen.

have this be a “set this up the day prior” kill or have it be randomised


shortnight aka nonight

Seriously, making this 48/0 is probably best bet.

Has stable starting times and doesn’t let people forget about the game due to nights where 14/15th peolpe have nothign to do.

48/24 is second best bet.

meh, I don’t actually see the problem with the 48/24 system…?

48/0 mountainous is certainly a suggestion


I was just making a bad joke.

I have to say mountainous FM is probably the most challenging for me.
As I’ve relied on mech for deduction as I started with ToL.

No, nights are always a problem in a game.

If nights long too long, people foget about what they were thinking in previous day.
And at this forum people don’t make notes nor reread, which is even more impactful then before.

Nights usually only exist due to allowing different players to submit actions.
Which here… is not needed at all.

removing the ability to do this would only make this problem worse, no?

am i misunderstanding this