Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - [15/15] FULL

Removing ability to make notes?

I don’t see how lack of nights block ability to make notes?

okay i interpreted that as “people don’t use the night phase to do that, so remove it”

i think that wasn’t what you were trying to say

I say that people get off track during nights, due to forgeting what they were going about AND not toing own ideas.

Removing the night is one way to fix the problem, and I don’t see how it is meant to stop people from taking notes for more coherent game.

okay i see

i don’t think removing the night phase in this specific setup would be very well received by most players?

but i think there is potential for experimentation in this regard


What setup other than mountainous would you use it at then?

i meant this game in particular

not setup

i’m tired words are hard

Could you explain to me why making this game more coherent as a whole would be bad for this game?

because it was advertised as 48/24, 9 people signed up thinking it was 48/24 and had no problems with that, and it’d be a more attention-demanding game since there’s basically no offtime

i know the setup is called Shortnight but that’s just flavor designed for a singular mildly amusing joke months ago :stuck_out_tongue:

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You could ask people.

I for example am not very keen to playing game where over 1/3rd of a time noone can do anything.
And as I said - since over 1/3rd of itme is wasted, it’s gonna lose some game coherency.

But you can ask people what they think about it.

as the host i’d probably prefer having a night phase

but if a lot of people display interest in a 48/0 game i’d be willing to talk to datbird about this

i… don’t think that’s very likely? but i could very well be wrong


I mean, maybe…

But like, at first no game actually had nights.
Night phases were much later invention for role heavy games, which sacraficed some game flow for convenience for players when it comes to submiting actions which depended on execution flip.

And while there are really no actions here, I don’t see why to sacrafice game flow for no gain.

But that’s my take.

Actually now that I think about it - most russian communities still use no night phases, even in games with roles.

Like last time I plaied on eastern forums cop, doctor and mafia just had to presubmit actions.
Odd cop and even doctor, but you get the point.

Obviously, we should have 54/18 phases.

Or 17520/8760 phases. That seems logical.

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1439/1 minute phases :^)

Just play Turbo FM 4Head.


Also katze:


angry noises

