Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - [15/15] FULL

all thats left to do now is make the backup list as long as the spec list




that is one sick looking backup list


slankers are gonna turn from noodlearms into armstrong from full metal alchemist

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What if I /Back-Up?

I won’t, because fortnite but what if?

no one joins a game for the flavour

  • nobody, probably

but in all seriousness, I just inned into this game because I got nothing better to do with my time, idc about the phases.

but also this backup list is way too beefy, smh y’all, find the time to play, what, you have lives? disgusting.

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Guys, this is actually rude.

I took my time to explain my PoV. And all I get when asking for opinions about phases is getting memed at.

For me it’s a difference between joining or not.
Please, at least don’t meme at people when it’s impotant for them.

I mean, you do have a point, and I’m not arguing against it, but it’s literally just up to Kat.

In my personal opinion, I would much rather have 24h nights (or nights in general)

I don’t have time to play FM 24/7 because I have real-life responsibilities, and the night phase is a break from what can sometimes be a stressful activity

I also re-evaluate overnight if the previous yeet was incorrect, or, if it was red, I look for associations. People might not use the nights wisely, but we should still give them a chance to, and a chance to take a step away from FM for a day


Going off of this, if you’re a wolf, the night phase gives you plenty of time to coordinate with your scumbuds (who might not be in the same timezone or have the same availability as you) and discuss how you want to play the game, mechanically and socially

TLDR: I think night is important


/spec uninformed

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Also, to add to the night argument, does anyone remember the factional kill?

What’s the problem with factional kill?

Real life responsibilities is kinda a missed argument imo.
You have no real way to make sure that responsibilities will happen during night time, not during day to begin with.

So when something happens you have like 33% chance that it happens during the night, but if it happens during the day, it still happens during the day.
And game lasting longer actually increases chance of stuff happening during it.

And I understand you are sucmhunting during the night, but like… you can also scumhunt during the day?
You actually should scumhunt even more during the day to begin with

It happens at night. This setup would be quite different without it, and since 10 people signed up for a setup with night and factional kill, changing it now would be detrimental.

How does shorter nights equal no night kill?

I’m confused

I’d rather have 24 hour nights, I just kind of like a small break from playing/constantly checking thread

12 hours is too fast and rushed for me with school/sleeping

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Shorter nights wouldn’t

no nights mean no nightkill tho

Nightless should only really be used in turbo setups
any kind of longform mafia any normal person is going to need a break especially if they are actually trying