Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

how does this turn back into “Wind isn’t being toxic Wind is a wolf” if I’m not a wolf
that literally just makes me toxic lol

then she should seriously reconsider how she goes about making reads

being bad at the game is also not toxic

pretend I phrased that in a not insulting way

fine, maybe I’m a bit overconfident because I’ve made a lot of correct wolfreads lately and I’m on a FM high

which means I’m not actually bad at the game

btw this conversation is just getting weirder

my cat is on my lap

my cati s wet

my wet cat is on my lap

im being wetted

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thanks for sharing lol

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maybe dry your cat


my cat sly and fast and agile

me boomer

did your cat zoom

my cat young boyyy

me old

when no one is in thread i have 0 wim to actually make content bc its fucking 5am us time

when people are in thread i have wim but i dont want to not livethread so i end up not reading back on stuff

damn day end less than 7 hours left

thats annoying

i want to sleep but not rn rn

thank god its saturday

ftr Arete looks a bit townier after that interaction but I still need to think on it
As I said before, they’re not today’s yeet, so I think if I don’t get to casing them before EoD I’ll just examine their slot overnight

I’m still not convinced Marshal is town
I think very specifically his sheeping of Arete was weird
I see it as something a wolf would do to a wolf, but also something a wolf would do to town, and I’m not sure why town would do it to town

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Uh that last part was just, I don’t know why town would do it, period
Since the assumption is that Marshal has to read Arete as town if he’s town because town sheeps town and town does not sheep wolves, at least not intentionally

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I feel like my thoughts are just unnecessary here but I’m bored on the metro

Arete legacy post

okay so I’m going to start out this post by saying that I’ve given consideration to it and given some things pertaining to my sleep schedule, I think the healthiest thing for me to do is to not try to make EoD. I know this is probably selfish or whatever, I don’t care, if you’re a dick about it I’ll be, like, mildly annoyed with you

but. yeah. this is my legacy post, because I am in fact aware that doing this makes it way more likely that the yeet gets strongarmed onto me. I’m ?trying? to include my confidence level so that you know which reads you should and shouldn’t sheep.

People who are villagers

Grace: probably one of the purest slots I’ve ever seen in my entire time playing FM, I’m not going to spend too much time explaining this because I don’t think literally anyone disagrees with it. also that one post about dinner exists.

Leafia: This one is also pretty consensus (I’ve seen a couple people disagreeing with it but mostly people not familiar with Leafiameta), I think that given Leafiameta her overall number of independent thoughts/willingness to make reads that are against the thread consensus is a good look for her. Like, if you compare with Clown Fiesta, I’m pretty sure she literally did not have a single thought all game that was anything but a direct parrot of thread consensus, and that’s the general pattern in her wolfgame.

Chloe: I’ve explained most of my reasons for thinking she’s town in P#6129 (the big post on her and Marshal being probably V/V), even if you disagree with all of the gamestate stuff I think the macroread on Chloe stands on its own and is enough to put her here, I also think that her attempts at sorting through the game post-that-big-post have been super waterfally/from an uninformed perspective.

just to explain on the bookmark thing a little, because that’s legitimately super townie and it’s non-obvious why: Chloe as wolf has no reason to bookmark a post Centuries made about how he’ll eat glass or whatever it was, with three random unrelated people, and I think it would be incredibly specific for her to think of making that up

People who are vaguely floating around peripheral villagers

Gorta: I think some of his derps are very likely to come from town, like the thing about not really getting what happened at EoD1. Also, at various points he’s displayed a sort of hubris that I think is villagery, e.g. him acting like I should be scared of him, I think that’s an attitude that he’s more likely to present as villager (albeit not that much more likely, regardless of his alignment he has an inflated idea of his own skill). I’m pretty sure nearly all of his reads are wrong but that’s not actually wolfy for him, don’t use that as a point against him if he’s alive in lategame.

Marshal: See the big Chloe-Marshal V/V wallpost, he’s done some things that kind of sketched me out since I wrote that wallpost (e.g. he accepted it really quickly, also I’m not sure if it makes sense for him to have nearly so much confidence in my read on Chloe?) but I have him above rand town

Blizer: Mist’s posts kind of sucked, but Blizer coming in guns blazing with passion was fairly townie, particularly given the situation he was in

Light: This is honestly only here because of his big wallpost that he wrote in response to my big wallpost, but it had a lot of depth of thought to it which is something he struggles with as wolf, so he gets to be above the null line for now

idk, could go either way

Osie: Trochi had like one moment that looked like a legitimate derpclear, otherwise no one in that slot has really done much to move the needle

sulit: she has a lot of WiM for wolflit but the stuff Chloe quoted with her progression on Chloe/Marshal is kind of :eyes:

Here be wolves:

Centuries: honestly went back and forth on which category to put this in, this one or the one just above, but I think he fits better here? he had a generally kind of weird response to me daring to have the audacity to suggest that Chloe and Marshal might be V/V, he’s jokingly wolfclaimed in a kind of self-aware way, and he’s had some posts that rubbed me the wrong way, e.g. him being like ‘Arete and Wind could be V/V? what if?’ without actually acting on that whatsoever

Wind: basically every read they’ve made this game has been forcing a conclusion/only considering things from the PoV of the conclusion they want, e.g. with one of their reads on me they were like ‘well Arete has been derpclearing people, and also pushing people, which could come from a wolf trying to pocket people and push miselims’ but never tried to consider or evaluate whether it made sense from a town perspective (they haven’t just been doing it with their read on me, they’ve been doing it with literally all their reads, this is just the first one that came to mind). they’ve also been misrepresenting more-or-less everything I’ve said, there are a handful of times where I can sort of see how someone could come to the conclusion they did once they explained it but for most of them … I have enough faith in their intelligence to believe that it wasn’t just a misunderstanding. Their reaction to my big wallpost also sucked, they basically tried to shade me by nitpicking minor details of what exactly my PoE was (which wasn’t remotely the point) and largely ignored the actual arguments until they were actually pressed on it. I think if I do end up flipping they’ll be very easy to read tomorrow based on how they end up reacting?

Litten: pretty much an outed wolf, has spent most of the day misrepresenting what I’ve been saying and ignoring my explanations so that he can accuse me of pushing agenda on Wind, despite the fact that Wind hasn’t even flipped, he also seemed like he knew coming into the day that Marl was going to die, and his reaction overall to me saying that Chloe and Marshal were potentially V/V has been actually awful. Kill this slot always, it pretty much never flips town.


putting in this section just because it is something I can see myself being wrong about, I’m wrong on Marshal a lot, and a lot of my reads are semi-related to his flip

the big one is Gorta, I think Marshal flipping wolf would make Gorta look much worse specifically because of the derp clear, I think if Marshal flips wolf that clear was very likely to be staged for the purposes of clearing him, and the things he’s done this game are much less likely to be out of his wolfrange if he had Marshal coaching

I guess sulit maybe looks worse too because of the thing where they’ve been softdefending each other but I don’t actually think that’s a very strong point

other random notes

all of you are abjectly terrible at preflips, please stop doing them, like even if you’re right your thought processes behind making them are rand at best and in some cases probably worse

relatedly: Wind/Litten are not clear from being W/W off of interactions. Blizermist/Marshal are not clear from being W/W off of interactions. there are probably other pairs this applies to but this is the first thing that comes to mind?

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