Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

am i in the consensus for thinking that arete was w after day 2

@sulit tell me when youre around


unfortunately for you I kill Blizer in 100% of worlds

i uh

think kill can come from basically everyone


dont know if nka is useful here

Our PoE today is FK/Conroy/Wind/Osie/Sulit

Sulit I actually think is more likely to be town, but I’m not as confident as I feel I should be

/vote Firekitten

starting here



are you a villager

Ban Count

Getting Banned Banners Votes to be Banned
Firekitten Chloe 1/6
Not Voting Light, sulit, Firekitten, an_gorta_pratai, WindwardAway, Grace, Centuries, osieorb18, Leafia, Blizer 10

I forgot to put it in the SoD message, but with 11 alive, majority is 6


do you think im a villager

no not rn I have to think more

okay lets talk it out

because the only way we win this game is if we work together

why do you not think im a villager

There’s only so much I can explain to myself before Occam’s razor shoots me in the head, Chloe

why are you asking me specifically about this

this pocket feels comfy

Occam’s razor literally says Arete had a correct PoE

Occam’s razor would only apply to me being a wolf if Blizer died

Because youre in my poe and i feel like youre the one person i can find as a villager with high confidence if you are one

and i want to sort you

Occam’s Razor says you’ve been the CW to two strong flipped townies, both of whom scumread you heavily at some point