Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

I meant “words”

I’m going to be 110% honest with you: My main goal in asking for detailed thoughts on people are so I can attempt to read you, Firekitten. That’s why I asked for someone I knew we agreed on, so I could see if your thought process was in any way similar to mine.

I’m at ~500 and I feel like I’ve been mindmelding with Marshal’s thoughts a fair amount

this isn’t a townread because he’s said in the past that he does that on purpose too when he’s scum

also this post scares me, which is silly, but

flashbacks to Tos2399

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not really no


…you don’t really need long posts from me to read me, the way you read me is to look at my posts and see if my web of posts seem to tangle in the right way which doesn’t make sense but imagine replacing certain words in this diagram

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wait thats not normal storytelling?

Food is here


fk and chloe randomly talking about food in the span of 10m

.>rand w/w tbh

Going through FK’s ISO and just noticed this
flashback to the time Leafia subbed into BotFIII, essentially openwolfed in under 30 minutes and sunk the entire scum team

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walk me through your progression here because right now it’s kind of :eyes:

what did you see while re-reading that you didn’t notice the first time

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fk reminds me of the game that he was a villager intentionally posting to get wolfread

im not sure how to feel about this

the attitude in this post feels mildly villagery (regardless of Chloe’s alignment)

like her perspective feels ?real?

her = Mist

I can assure you that this isn’t intentional

i re-read your iso and determined that your thought-process regarding me seems to be pretty similar to my thought process regarding you, and it doesnt feel fake-as-shit, which is what i’d expect from you as a wolf

this is also supplemented by the fact that i felt like thread was treating us as v/v, and the way things exponentially multiplied into me being lockwolf after i pointed that out furthers my read in this regard

i think you taking a huge focus on me, and me specifically, is >rand v of you, as… as a wolf, I mostly expect you to try to get townread and, for the most part, go for the easy elims?

If you’re a wolf you have a team you view as strong enough to support you in your push on me, which, isn’t impossible, but I find it unlikely

When I spotted you in jojo on d1, it was because your posts felt like they weren’t written by a villager
They felt
Like things you THINK you would say as a villager
At the start of this game, I thought I was seeing the exact same signs
But upon re-read your thought-process on me is pretty transparent, and I can see how it goes from place to place, even if I know it’s wrong

We even reverse-mindmelded on a few points
Like where you said that you’d get n1’d and i would coast to endgame - that’s exactly how i felt about you
I know it isn’t unfakeable, and you arent a bad player by any means, but these on top of everything else make me see you more likely to be villa

‘Marshal being this wildly incorrect about my reads is villagery’ is a dumb take but I kind of think I believe it

curious why nobody else asked me to expand up until now


almost like im the designated ML