Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses


im making dinner in like 20 minutes here

so ill be gone from thread for a while

I’m really just frustrated that I feel like we’ve been doing so well and making so much progress and have nothing to show for it
There’s been so much going on in this game, and I’ve been trying my best to make solid reads and I still fucked up on Marshal in the end, even after responding to Arete’s wallpost and him committing to the iso on me

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light.exe has stopped responding


What exactly is this progress that we have made?

progress is an interesting word to use there

because it’s like, something objective

Technically, none, see the latter half of the sentence. But we’ve had so much content going around, especially from flipped townies like Arete, Marshal, and Osie, and we’re still at square 1.

I really don’t feel comfortable about the idea of light just saying “we have been making so much progress” and then detailing “how much progress we haven’t actually made”


Let me rephrase it, then. “We’re trying so hard and still fucking the fuck up.”

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Where do you think we are going wrong

As town you should have some subjective idea of what is going wrong, regardless of whether you objectively know it or not

At the moment, I think it’s that we’ve done exactly what 20 of the 15 of us said not to do and letting Chloe go and she’s been dominating a lot of these wagons that have all flipped villager.

brb dinner about to be here

Ill say this before i go

yea its still in my mind aswell

and also yea, VCA wise, her and Wind both look bad VCA wise here the past 2 days and flips but, context is important last day imo for both, though Sulit Wall is something that, looking back upon Wind

yeah he looks bad

I said this earlier

I think on a macro level

both FK and Wind look bad in context since EoD1/Day2 imo

wind is a girl btw


my bad

also we dont have a wolf wind game to go off of so

yeah, thats something we dont have the luxury of having

Ya took me a while tho some of these were confusing

  1. Do you wash your face every day?

Answer:Ya the only days I don’t are the days when I’m super tired

2 . What do you think makes an ideal town player? An ideal mafia player?

Answer:I’m still unsure about this but right now I think an ideal town player tries their best to help and contribute while an ideal mafia player tries to confuse the town or make false accusations

  1. What’s your favourite drink? (From a can/bottle.) Why?

Answer:My favorite drink is water because I hate all other drinks except for tea and water is just more refreshing than tea

  1. Do you think that sulit might be annoyed/unmotivated because she’s mafia instead of town?

Answer:I think sulit is unmotivated because she’s stressed out from school and she’s annoyed because everyone keeps blaming her and she doesn’t know what to do to gain back their trust

  1. If you were to associate yourself with three fictional characters, one to represent how you ideally want to be seen by people, one to represent how you worry about being seen by people, and one to represent how you think people might see you in a more null context, who would you choose and why?

Answer:A fictional character I want people to see me as is Emma from tpn because I want people to see me as caring and nice but also bold and not afraid to stand up for people who are close to me.

I worry that people see me as Logan from jigsaw because I don’t want people to think I’m stupid and just an extra I also don’t want people to think I’m selfish.

I think people see me as a doormat (Ik that’s not a fictional character but I couldn’t think of one) I think people see me as a doormat because of the way most people irl ignore me most of the time and occasionally stomp on me

  1. Which do you think is more important to a game of Mafia: A positive attitude, or a careful thought-process? Why?

Answer:I think a careful thought process is more important to a game of mafia because I have seen people do research on others so they can scale down to the people they think are mafia and I feel like that takes a careful thought process

  1. Who here other than yourself has the most appealing avatar, and why?

Answer:I think Light has the most appealing avatar because I like the colors and vibe it gives off

  1. Obviously having some people helping you out to get you used to the game has been helpful. Do you think any of those players have done so with malicious intent? If so, who and why?

Answer:I don’t think the people who have helped me would do so with a bad intention although, after reading the thread I have learned about people getting pocketed and while I don’t know exactly what it means I’m pretty sure many people could easily pocket me (I think it means someone manipulates another or something like that)

  1. What does this image represent to you?

Answer:The image looks like a spider and a bee at the same time to me

  1. Mafia is all about an uninformed majority and informed minority. It can be hard for scum to hide their knowledge. What do you feel is the best way within the rules of the game for mafia to do that, and why?

Answer:I think the best way for a scum to hide their knowledge is to simply not say what they know (idk if that makes sense I’m sorry if it doesn’t)

A. Out of questions 1-10, which questions do you think help me to discern your alignment? Why?

Answer:2, 5, 6, and 10 because I think like they help you understand my thought process

B. I like to put myself as confirmed town and everyone else at null, then push people in my reads one way or another based on what I think of their posts as the thread goes on. Is that a good scumhunting method? Why or why not?

Answer:I think it is because that would help narrow down people who seem bad and help you decide who to not trust

C. Is that a good townclearing method? Why or why not?

Answer:Ya because I think you can tell who’s town based on what they contribute to the thread

D. Throughout this thread, a lot of questions have been thrown around. Do you think questioning people is the best method of forming reads, or is something else, like mechanics discussion, tangentially-related discussion, or another method better?

Answer:I think a combination of those things work the best but I also think it would depend on the person

E. Take the player who is your strongest scumread at the moment. What do you think their answers to these questions would be?

Answer:Rn I’m in between two people but if they were to answer these questions I think they would have smarter answers because they have way more experience than I do

I. Out of questions A-E, which questions do you think most help me to discern your alignment? Why?

Answer:I am kinda unsure of what that means but if it means understand what my intentions are I would say B and C because again they help you understand my thought process


I didn’t dominate evo’s death

Sure, I got Marshal killed
I genuinely thought the dude was a wolf, and it was also my life vs his
But you can see that towards the end of the day I realize it might just be better for me to go over if hes V, but it was too late by then

I in no way dominated the sulit wagon
I tried to see other worlds, and poked and prodded and interacted with her to try to increase her WiM so i could find her if she was a villager
I swapped over at EoD because I gave in to consensus and the fact that I was Probably Just Wrong™ and she was also agreed upon as the consensus target

‘a lot of these wagons’ is not true
One wagon

And you’ve been chillin out and sidelining while we continue to kill villagers

How about you look at the context behind my votes and my thought process regarding why im on the wagon that I’m on
Just because I led the wagon on Marshal does not make me a wolf