Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

Ban Count

Getting Banned Banners Votes to be Banned
Light Firekitten, Chloe 2/5
Chloe Leafia, Light 2/5
Not Voting Centuries, an_gorta_pratai, WindwardAway, Grace, Blizer 5
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im voting and not voting

And that’s why you brought me to L-2. Of course, my bad.

I’m not making fun of it. I’m saying that you’re playing poorly if town, and you’ve played consistently poorly if town all game and haven’t made any adjustments to your playstyle.


Ah, yes, me trying to scumcase Osie and realizing he isn’t scummy is giving into consensus. My. Fucking. Mistake.

You/Wind/Blizer does work from my eyes. You/Wind/FK doesn’t really. I don’t think you and FK are W/W.

No. Please, I insist. Answer it now. Thought experiment: We’re both town. You survive the night. Tomorrow, you go into LyLo with one of Grace, Gorta, or Leafia dead.

I somehow replaced Centuries with Chloe in my past few votecounts, this has been fixed.

“somehow” = Notepad++ autocorrecting, probably

Centuries is a Chloe alt confirmed?

L-2 doesn’t mean I’m tunneled?
L-2 means I scumread you and I’m trying to determine if I’m correct to do so

I realize I’ve been playing poorly but I’m still doing my damn best to solve this game, and I have adjusted my playstyle
I’m working with people
I’m breaking tunnels and finding villagers out of people I once heavily heavily scumread
I’m re-evaluating
You are indeed insulting me and it is impacting my ability to find you as town

There are many things I want to say to this, but I won’t
Instead I’ll just say: maybe take a look at yourself, if you’re a villager

It isn’t directly read as giving in to consensus, but the timing and placements do feel that way

Well I ain’t a wolf :woman_shrugging:
Also Blizer is a villagery MFer lol

I don’t have an answer right now
Because I’d like to spend this day finding that answer - as I’ll solve around the world where the main wagon is both town and scum
And I’d like to spend tomorrow finding that answer too

I’m not going to snap in lylo, I’m going to re-evaluate based on flips/interactions/etc

So right now? I have no answer

Not tunneled or conf-biased. Right, my bad.

Alrighty then.


Leafia probably will though, if she isn’t dead. Good luck with that.


I slept through SoD again, RIP

I made a short post overnight but basically gave up lol
The only new thing i wrote is that Chloe probably actually is scum and those of you who said we should yeet her are probably right

I’ll wait to vote until EoD, this game has been totally draining for me lol

This post is going to be super long, sorry

Thank you for answering osie though


Good answer
Is there anyone you can point to as an ideal town player or an ideal mafia player using these reasonings?

can we keep her


you’re adorable
and now i have a new show to watch thank you

how have you seen the Saw movies and i havent wtf

i dont think you’re stupid, or an extra, or selfish
every time you provide your thoughts for the thread, no matter how unrefined they are or how unconfident you are, you’re helping us win

just by talking and being yourself, you allowed us to find you as town, which is huge
literally the best thing you can do as a villager
so be proud of that

just keep telling us what you think about things, whenever you get a thought that pops up
you were right about sulit
so who knows, maybe you’ll be right about other people too?

gimme names
i’ll throw hands

This is a reasonable take
Do you think you’ve had a careful thought process in this game?

i agree
he has a cool pfp

This is a very very good answer
Pocketing is like… buddying up to someone
Making them like you so they’re more likely to find you as a good guy
Whether it’s by being nice to someone, agreeing with all their points, defending them when others are attacking them, or another method
It’s a good thing to watch out for, and usually comes from mafia, but sometimes can come from town

For some reason the pic reminds me of Bionicles
A mask
Idk why


Good answer
Question 8 was also designed for that, i assume
(Idk, im not osie, so im just pretending i know what he was thinking when he asked these)

Sounds good
Is there anyone right now that you would say you’re ‘null’ on?
You genuinely don’t have any clue what they are (town or scum)


Sounds good

Who do you scumread right now?
If you don’t want to share, and you want to sit on it a bit longer to see if you could be right, that’s totally fine, and also a good strategy
Don’t want to show your cards too early

Alignment means town (good alignment) or scum (bad alignment)
He was asking which questions will help him figure out if you’re town or if you’re scum

I’d say all of A-E help determine your alignment
B and D are definitely up there in terms of being helpful

You don’t have to reply to all of this if you don’t want to
Just the questions I asked within the post
Sorry its so long

gimme gimme

I find it interesting that there was a pretty big pivot to me today from quite a few players

Especially right after I start to mention that I think FK could be town

If he really is, this is a good way to force chain elims


I gave up completely after Sulit flipped town tbh

Fwiw this is what I wrote (very unimpressive, I know):

Overnight post N3:

I give up entirely on my readlist tbh

Chloe is probably a wolf at this point and I guess we should just yeet her.
Centuries may or may not be a wolf, idk. I’m ok with yeeting him still, but I guess Chloe should be yeeted first?
FK could be a wolf but I’m not sure if he’d be a wolf with Chloe.
Gorta is still ??? for me. I didn’t ISO him because I spent all my free time moving stuff into my apartment.
I’d be mildly surprised if Light or Osie flipped scum, but at this point literally everyone will surprise me if they flip scum, since every single one of my reads in this game has been wrong. On the other hand if they’re both scum as I tossed that thought around before, then I think it would explain what’s going on, but I don’t want to just SR both of them wrongly as a team for the heck of it.

If we didn’t have so many townies already dead, I’d let you just yeet me because Sulit flipped town, but that puts us in an even worse position. If I’m a designated ML then I guess wolves aren’t pushing me because all my reads are bad, so they’ll just wait until enough of them are proven wrong and then yeet me for a win. Basically all I’ve done in this game is play into the wolves’ hands, so lol. Usually by this point, I feel like I at least get some reads correct, but I’m at a 0% right now and I honestly don’t have enough free time to put more effort into this game. Vote me best scum player lol jk you can’t

Random thought: if our consensus towncore isn’t getting killed, doesn’t it mean there’s a wolf in it? Otherwise towncore is just completely wrong on their reads.

That’s all I have to say for now. I’m not gonna vote till EoD because my vote definitely hasn’t benefited town.

Where the hell was all the support the last couple of days I tried to yeet Chloe



all you rats coming out of the sewer smh

Me being dumb, that’s what

This is why I’m not dead tbh

I think there are about 500 reasons you arent dead

But that aint one of em

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