Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

highly doubt im the only one who has noticed seeing how people interact with your slot after midway through d3

I dont think so? This is a weird assumption to make

Okay but why was osie killed over Blizer?
Idr what exactly Blizer’s reads were but why would you kill the person who is wrong near lylo
When you can kill the person who is right

At this point in the games wolves shouldn’t be going for frames but moreso their own survival tbh

If im being pocketed by fk i stg
But everything points towards him being a villager as of late

I dont think it was out of nowhere?
It was a bit of a process
Through d3 too

Gimme your thought process in more detail please

I mean
This is indeed the start of a push, it seems

But this is so pure
Im such a sucker for AtE

So you think that fk coordinated with his 2 wolf buddies to pressure me at the start of the day

And hope that multiple townies would do the same

And i’d notice that half the people here (all the people in my poe, pretty much) were voting/pushing me

Which indicates wolves want me dead

And the fact that fk wasnt stomping on me alongside everyone else is v-indicative

You think that whole thing was planned? Idk

Let’s imagine there’s 2 wolves being TR’d by Osie

Only viable kill is Blizer

Osie’s probably less correct from my pov.

Not every kill has to be lv1, like I think Osie as a kill is great

Osie brings order, is commonly TR’d and the NKA can be used agaisnt other players

I really don’t think all the wolves are in PoE, especially not Osie’s.

If you think Osie was killed for being correct then the scumteam is at least 2/3rd Me/Gorta/Leafia/Grace

Do you genuinely believe that. Like answer that.

Bro I genuinely believe that the jump in thoughts is so far fetched it only indicates the pocket

im rly fucking tired btw


I’m hinting at Wind/FK btw if you haven’t noticed by now


Im reminded of ranch when i thought fk was pulling pressure off his buddy

But mrr

I kinda do tbh
Remove grace tho

Also part of his legacy was me/blizer/fk town iirc
Which i could also see as all true

And he was the first to really voice the possibility?




think how dumb it sounds





I can see a world where any of these exist tbh

Vote Chloe I’m scumreading them

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I would be in wolf chat coaching wind not talking about fucking ranch

this isnt netflix not everything a mafia player does is made on purpose and not evrey post will make them look bad in the grand scheme of things

these statements contradict Gorta’ strain of thought


if you think they are catchable in the opener then you should be wanting them dead

unless you are a wolf just parroting thoughts expressed in the thread not thinking about how your thoughts link up with your other thoughts

you know I’m going to go to the holy grail of MafiaUniversity and figuring out which one of the threads would apply here

there has to be some nuggets of useful info

I believe this

because i saw how you kinda coached blue first hand

you are the type to coach your wolf partners if they are like level 1 players tbh


Firstly, we have the player quietly in the POE but isn’t really pushed . What makes this archetype so important is that it has a high chance of flipping wolf. Unless you’re facing an incredibly strong and coordinated team, there’s probably going to be at least one wolf player who just isn’t as able as the rest of their team to influence the gamestate for whatever reason. Examples of this player archetype can be found in the two most recent Champs Finales as of this writing: DaBackpack in Season 6 (before he fake claimed), and Secondhand Revenant in Season 5 (before he subbed out). Both players were part of strong mafia teams that were successful at pushing through mislynches, but due to RL circumstances, neither was able to keep up with the posting and found themselves dropping in the POE as a result. Despite being consensus “probably just a wolf?” per the thread, they were mostly briefly touched on in reads lists and comments and then ignored in favor of more pressing targets. If a player looks like this in a powerwolf game and is consensus wolfread without ever really being seriously pushed, this player could be the key to blowing the game wide open.

  • Secondly, there’s the player who realizes what’s happening and is trying to stop it . Again, I will turn to the two most recent Champs Finales for ease of reference: Paratroopa in s5 and Macdougall in s6 bothrealized what was happening and did their best to reverse the tide. A lot of townies have an inner radar for this thing and their suspicions will come out whether it’s conscious or not. If you can find the person or persons who are demonstrating this awareness, it can be a big help to you solving the game - especially if they’re in the POE. They might not necessarily be correct , but they’re probably town , and that matters just as much. One thing to watch out for though is fake gamestate awareness from wolves looking to take advantage of this, perhaps especially after this article comes out. It will be your job to sort the truly concerned from those putting on an act. One step to doing so is contrasting a person’s words with their actions.

  • Thirdly, there’s the player who’s actively trying to solve not necessarily in line with the status quo but is mostly ignored . This player archetype in an unfavorable gamestate has some overlap with the one directly above it, which makes sense as both are usually town. This player’s reads might be more correct than those of their louder counterparts, but for whatever reason they’re not listened to. Take a look at this player when they deliver their reads and try to chart out the reactions and responses to said reads. Are they briefly discussed before the line of conversation fizzles out in favor of more familiar subjects? This might be something worth exploring and following through on. The one caveat to this is that the player has less of a chance of being town than the above archetype, because there’s always the danger that the player could be a wolf simply looking to set up a mislynch down the line once other options have been exhausted, or even a villager unknowingly pushing a mislynch that the wolves are leaving alive for the same reason. As always, context is king.

  • A player you really need to be on the watch for is the player who looks to maintain the status quo . This desire can be found through a number of sources: their votes, their reads progressions or lack thereof, their treatment of slots, their hesitation to seriously push the first listed player archetype here, their insistence that “the POE is good, we just misfired a couple of times,” etc. Understand that the situation you’re in and the current status quo is unfavorable for your alignment and that wolves, at this stage in the game, want to maintain it. At its very core, this is what you need to be able to realize and identify. Act accordingly once and if you’ve found someone that fits this description.

  • Probably the player archetype most difficult to categorize in these gamestates is the player currently at the bottom of the POE , because their reason for being there is so game-specific. Who is pushing the slot? Have they been saved in the past, and if so, by who? Could it be a wolf bailed out by their team? A villager being kept around by the wolfteam to be lynchbait and to focus the town’s attentions away from what truly matters? There is no one all-purpose answer here. However, it’s a good bet that the bulk of the players’ attention will be focused around this player and this slot. It might be more worth your time to try to solve around the slot rather than adding your own voice to the mix on this specific matter.

Oh god not FK Mafia Theory Time