Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses


  • Was obvtown
  • Was tunneling me, and killed to frame me
  • Idk why the hell wolves killed marl
  • Why the hell did marl die


  • Possibly had a correct PoE
  • Possibly had a correct towncore
  • Very strong player who, if found as town, can lead the village
  • Was supporting me
  • Was actively re-evaluating and going against thread consensus


  • Possibly had a correct PoE
  • Possibly had a correct towncore
  • Apparently mega villagery
  • Was actively re-evaluating and going against thread consensus
  • Made people stop clearing off of solely meta, or other dumb stuff
  • Basically the only smart person in the thread for the entire game

these are the reasons i could see why these peeps were the nightkills

Hmmm, wasn’t Osie scumreading Gorta? If so, he could’ve been killed to keep people from scumreading Gorta. So I think Gorta should be re evaluated.

i think Marl and osie were just towny

and both are pretty strong players like Arete aswell

so idk.

again, the one kill i feel like

that makes

no fucking sense to me imo, is the Arete personally

considering like

half the thread wolf read the slot

me @ marl

i think

Gorta is in

everyones PoE rn tbh

I honestly think deadchat is yelling at us for being stupid and not realizing who the wolves are.

why just gorta? do you think osie coulda been correct on anyone else in his poe

It’s a possibility. What was his PoE?

Marl was obv village, which is like, an okay kill

plus he was hardcore pushing you which lead to two things

people would read it mainly as, W!Chloe, killing someone who wants her dead, or T!Chloe being framed basically

again, before the osie kill

i think other two kills were more for narrative purposes tbh

you remember gorta being in his poe but nobody else?

i believe it was

Gorta/Cents/Light/Grace i believe

I only remember Gorta being in his PoE because someone mentioned it today.

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It feels like

the big thing i see that Arete and Osie both have in common

they both were trying to change the status quo

like Arete was reading Chloe/Marshal as T/T

and Osie was reading Chloe/FK as T/T aswell

I think it was Leafia, not me

I already said, yes

basic NKA from those two kills but like

thats a thing the two past kills have in common imo

Light is a likely wolf too, although I think Cents is town here and Grace is in my towncore. Also, of course he’d be killed if two wolves were in his PoE.

Nope. He townread me at the end of the day.

i wish treeman was here to fucking interact with tbh

like, this slot is important to sort rn


Me too and agreed.