Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

Btw does Leafia normally sheep votes the whole game, or does she vote of her own accord? Asking because I think the vote on me is the first time I’ve seen her initiate a wagon in this game.

usually as long as town is wrong she sheeps (as wolf)

What about when she’s town, does she make her own voting decisions?

a little bit

but usually she never re-evals

Mrrrrrh ok
I can’t tell if she’s just trying to improve her town game or if she’s wolfing tbh

I think I missed this by not backreading
Might look for it soon. I should also look at FK’s slot again since it looks like it’s up for contention today. I have mixed feelings about him still, but I kind of feel like my reads on everyone are weak right now since I have like zero confidence.

chloe 10 000 read changes a day

Ban Count

Getting Banned Banners Votes to be Banned
WindwardAway Centuries 1/5
Leafia Firekitten 1/5
Light Leafia 1/5
Chloe Light 1/5
Firekitten Chloe 1/5
Centuries WindwardAway 1/5
Not Voting an_gorta_pratai, Grace, Blizer 3

Ok so I gave this a lot of thought, and I’m going to propose a Centuries counterwagon to FK.

I think it’s likely there’s a wolf between Centuries/FK/Chloe, if not more than one, and I don’t want to yeet Chloe at the moment.

Look again at FK’s post at SoD and tell me if that ever comes from a wolf. Why would a wolf ever have anxiety over a game that they’re clearing winning? We haven’t yeeted a single wolf so far, so they have plenty of leeway to survive,and we might not even make it to LyLo if we fuck up one more time

Centuries has made plenty of wallposts and has posted his stream of consciousness pretty much the entire game. While that’s all good, I see nothing in there that I can point to and explicitly say, “that’s not fakable”. I’ll go through his posts again but I have serious doubts about his slot.

Additionally,Centuries jumped to telling me that my reads are dumb and that I’m tunnelling like Leafia as soon as I SR’d him,which is notable because I did not SR him for the first half or so of the game. It took me until D3 to rethink his slot after Arete died. For that matter I can see both an Arete kill and an Osie kill working very conveniently for him,as both of them had him somewhere in their PoE.

Centuries and Leafia are both saying I’m scum and have their votes on me today (although Leafia hopped onto Light instead). Notice how I’m being almost universally scumread but somehow I’m not in today’s PoE. What does that indicate to the rest of you? It’s not that there’s no resistance; it’s literally that there is no push on me,because as I said, the longer you leave my slot alone the more likely I’ll be ML’d late-game. If you guys actually think I’m a wolf, I am asking you to put me in today’s PoE and vote me out.

Look at how D3 went.Sulit and Centuries were counterwagons, but the day ended in a hammer on Sulit while the centuries wagon just… disappeared in favor of hammering Sulit. Tell me there’s nothing wrong with that and give me reasons why those of you who switched their votes from Conroy to Sulit actually believed Sulit was more likely to flip wolf. I will admit that I misread her frustration and stress as being frustrated by being caught as a wolf and thought the drop in WiM was a scumtell, which it was apparently not.

Anyway, please give me feedback on my thoughts here. Tell me I’m wrong, tell me I’m right, tell me how to improve. This is going to transition into a legacy post where I probably tell you my PoE is Centuries/Leafia/someone else by EoD and give clearer reasons.

/vote Centuries @katze

yikes vote

WTF why do the votes look like this


I missed this earlier, sorry.

  1. At the moment, Centuries.
  2. Centuries/Leafia/someone else, idk honestly who.
  3. I still think Chloe is a villager being pushed, I’m a villager not being pushed very hard, and maybe you are, too. Idk who’s in the consensus PoE today so I just answered all the pushes I could think of.

why are Leafia, Light, Chloe and FK voting each other in a circle…?

also I gotta do some studying before my thesis meeting so I’ll be back later to answer questions and interact etc.
will be before EoD for sure.

Wolves can fake stuff, they can fake emotions, they can fake reads, none of what they feel, as long as the game goes their way, is unfakeable.

This point is dumb since FK faking actual emotions is beneficial to him in this gamestate, if he’s a wolf and is already this deep, he can just keep on being outside POE and endgame because he’s not the most obvious kill. He loses nothing from faking low wim, moreover he doesn’t actually have low wim does he?

FK was veryyy content with the thread and how it was heading, I was fighting that, I don’t understand how you don’t see that? Moreover, you should be the one who understands my position and takes the most since people were calling us W/W at some points and if you’re actually V that means town is pushing another villager and thus the towncore isn’t clear yet you’re fine with the status quo?

Nah no way you’re fine with the gamestate

Looking at one’s ISO and thinking that they have nothing that looks townie in over 1500 posts is just bs, Townies will look bad over some posts, Wolves will look good over some. You have no reason to have this position in thread and then call me out as having 0 townie posts if you’re in this position as V, it legit isn’t possible for you to think that this gamestate is correct and wolves are in the poe, meanwhile you’re in the poe and the only person fighting the status quo, which if you’re V is wrong, is me. No one else is fighting it. Chloe changed reads, that’s it. Your reads do not make sense, they don’t have actual reasoning that I can see as being truthful behind it. You start with a conclusion, as Arete said. And then make up stuff.

Look at my ISO again, there’s townie posts, there’s wolfy posts, that’s normal, I have over 1500 posts in a 15er mountainous game. You can push whatever agenda you want with my posts, but one thing is for sure, your outcome, is either completely wrong, or you’re a wolf.

This is misrepresenting my points, I can say for sure that at some points during D3, your posts were 100% trying to paint a conclusion on me, rather than actually thinking through my posts, I had a string of 15 posts and you called them all as me being 100% wolfy, without actual looking at it’s content.

You did not read me. You’re painting this as if you thought I was townie when all you did was slap a lazy TR on me by doing SBPC in a gamestate where wolves want to post.

NKA is BS, don’t use NKA, you don’t know how to do it. Has it gotten us anywhere yet? No because wolves use NKA to push agenda, it’s literally something the wolves choose, we are on day 4 with no wolf flips, if you think the gamestate is fine then you’re not correct, wrong, or scum. I will repeat myself ebcause you keep REFUSING to acknowledge that point because you’re just refusing to change your mind in any matter.

No kills that can reliably be made by scum on D3 make me look any better.

Blizer kill, I look worse, I’m in his PoE (maybe not anymore)
Chloe kill, I look worse, I’m in her PoE
FK kill (as if that’d ever happen), I look worse, I’m in his PoE
Osie kill, I look worse, I’m in Osie’s PoE

See where I’m getting at? All the possible worlds make me look worse.

But you’re not looking at that, I’ve said that over 3 times, and you keep on refusing to even address this.

NKA is BS, especially with this gamestate, no one alive has the skill level (except maybe FK) to acutally use it well, and we need to realize that.


That you’re a wolf because there’s resistance? If you’re in everyone’s PoE before LYLO, there is an issue, but if you’re in everyone’s PoE and you’re not getting voted, it’s even worse, if you were a Villager and Wolves had anything to gain by pushing you because of the gamestate (thus indicating me wolf) you’d be getting pushed.

Me/Leafia is a dumb team. I don’t even need to explain.

This is late-game. It’s LYLO-1, if wolves are in a good position, they gain everything from ML’ing you, but you’re not town I bet. Since they aren’t doing that. you know.

Let’s be honest with ourselves, what was the towncore coming into the day, or the TRs whatever, it’s bad, it’s not correct, the team isn’t Me+Leafia+Gorta, that’s just not the thing, it’s really not. And I don’t even understand how you think that.

You’re fine with the status quo. Which indicates scummates that are fine in thread.

Hm let me think, may it be because Sulit dipped? Meanwhile I stayed in thread? Or because Wolves ACTUALLY LOSE FROM ME DYING.? Perhaps because FK gets scumread and my legacy is


not anything else

do you ever think of that or are you so focused on “oh he’s alive means he’s a wolf”

Wolves gain way moreee from killing Sulit because I have a legacy, she doesn’t. The little she had, got ignored, why? Oh I don’t know.

If you want to talk about legacies being left, let’s talk about Sulit’s and Arete’s NAH? Oh wait it doesn’t fit your agenda.

See how this never works with what your previously said

Scum gain from me being alive. Scum kill sulit, easy as that. If I was a slot they didn’t care about then that means I’d be dead already, like Sulit for example.

Scums didn’t give a fuck about wagons on D3, which is why it looks so bad.


keep being fine with the status quo

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Threadstate is indicative that wolves are in control since no wagons are being formed and they are fine with town destroying themselves,

the people fine with the status quo include

Gorta FK and Wind

2/3rd of the same people who actualyl went agaisnt Arete when they called Chloe/Marshal V/V

Gorta wasn’t in thread so I can’t say anything about his thoughts, he actually had the same mindset IIRC

They wanted to chain Chloe and Marshal, Arete misunderstood my POV it’s like obvious at this point, the people who Arete SR’d for being fine with threadstate and status quo D2 are the same people who are fine with the status quo on D4 it’s very fucking obvious I don’t know what more to do it’s like all I can say by now lik elisten pelease

I’m not even bothering to re-read my posts I’m just straight up flowing my thoughts through the thread take that as you will

fine, then I ask that everyone votes me out today

I’m dead serious btw