Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

i genuinely dont understand it now

I’m so confused on whom to vote for, but I can see what you’re saying

Weren’t there more wagons by this time on D3? The votes are slow today.

but then i dont think all 3 wlves are among the activep layers

my pov is inherently biased

its also very based

Actually a lot of active players have died so nvm

i dont understand people’s read on fk

I don’t understand my own read on FK

i want people to talk

I’m here but I don’t really have anything new to say at the moment
Just reevaluating I guess

Ugh I lost my place in ISOing and backreading because broken discourse on mobile


I give up lol, I’ll do it on my computer in a while

i have a hot take about what wagon we should do b ut its so dulmb

Why is it dumb?

i meant cw

bc im dumb

Say it anyway, Cent.

I’m sure it’s not any dumber than my suggestions so go for it

no its dumberi w ant to erase that thought from my memories

Was it a grace wagon lol

… we looking for wolves…

if no cw… mhh wolf

but if town flip o_O