Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

How the heck is that post scummy sounding to you? It’s true. You do need to explain your reads and exactly one person was convinced that they were w/w at the time.

why would sulit vote night to cfd

It isn’t even

Close to eod

Do you want me to help apply pressure

Everything Chloe has down that I feel is strongly townie

I think this is an incredibly logical take, especially for how early in the game it was. You’re not going to have VCA or NKA or anything, no spew, but you can definitely feel like someone is trying to appeal to the majority and it makes sense if you read what Arete was saying.

this feels like exactly how a villager would react if they were spewing their thoughts onto the page, and had something they felt was incredibly important entirely glossed over by the person it was directed towards

level 0 take is that a wolf wouldn’t go “yeah I did this thing which is generally considered wolfy” when people are pushing them

This post was a good poke poke to everyone who was just kinda
letting this happen. Because no matter what, you want to see and understand exactly why everyone is doing what they’re doing, especially when you’re getting tunneled 400 posts into D1

my thoughts exactly upon reading this

This is something I noticed multiple times while reading up - they’re treating each other the exact same way, and neither one matches how they usually interact with each other or other people which leads me to also believe this is V/V

i hate to be mean but this is legitimately so stupid that i dont think it can come from a wolf

^ see above where I talked about how they were treating each other

she commented on this earlier and the fact that is was like actually something she remembered indicates that she actually cared about it and idk maybe i just really needed the ego boost or something but this was nice

cognitively consistent

reasonable annoyance, which makes sense if Chloe is a villager, as she is v!reading Marl, who is essentially the townleader because nobody else wants to hyperpost, because this would mean nothing is getting done d1 despite her flip which is… yeah, cognitively consistent.

this isn’t part of this iso, but just a note that Marshal’s reply to this post shows that he’s legitimately not even reading Chloe’s posts anymore

notable shit: wallpost on arete interactions
wallpost on marshal interactions
meta on marshal is valid. neato.

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We are friendz

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A lot of people had mentioned the belief that they were t/t by that point.



“I don’t want to frustrate Chloe” but the way they then went to “I think they made some towny posts” seems like little disconnect between a person answering a question

like there are different ways to phrase their answer but the way Sulit does it is


I’m about to head to math class

@Aelin If chloe flips wolf today sheep my EOD legacy for a free win
can i trust you on this if i die


I need someone who isn’t myself or marshal to be the third for when two of us are dead

Absolutely not
I have about -3 confidence in your reads
Again, if chloe does flip wolf you probably still won’t die because you’re so easily pocketed and manipulated despite being the “townleader” that wolves would most likely rather keep you around and manipulate you into pushing their agenda for them after you’re high off of the “whew bagged a strong wolf d1 pogchamp whew”

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you can safely ignore this in worlds where chloe flips town or i live through the night

but if i die and i’m right
can i trust you to carry this to the victory or can i not

If 1) Chloe flips W
2) You flip V
3) Marshal flips V
I’ll sheep your reads


Remove 3
I want you to work WITH Marshal to solve once i’m gone and to keep my legacy in mind, not to sheep it

you will inherit my will of fire

Marshal and Wazza are looking to be the most likely wolf candidates right now. I wish you’d stop townreading people only because they agree with you.

Wazza could be a wolf but i doubt it

and Marshal is not a wolf

I will become the glue that holds this village together, even if i perish

This is exactly why I’m saying if Marshal flips V
Because if he’s W he’s 100% filling your head with bullshit and I’m not going to push Marshal’s agenda for him