Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

Not only is my wim shot but i dont see thread focusing on anyone outside of me tomorrow

And also

Knowledge of my flip will allow people to actually fucking solve the game and stop being idiots

And i can do homework!

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chloe what do you think of sulit and night

Im not caught up

No comment aorn

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as a potential wolfteam base

This literally never comes from a wolf. Stop with the tunnel vision already Marl. It’s blinding you to the truth.

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even if i’m talking about you as if you were a wolf to other people, whenever we chat i’ll humor you like you are town
so feel free to bounce reads off me whenever your WIM spikes

I forgot almost all off the BBcode


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I have a gaming plan

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You’re going to feel really dumb when Chloe flips town.

I’ve heard this phrase so much

If chloe actually gets lynched and flips town i will be in like
apology mode for weeks

i’ll feel a whole lot worse than dumb

Prepare to be in it then and stop listening to confbias.

@Chloe am interested in hearing your read on Mist and Cent
if you no longer care then oh well but if you do still care, this would be gamer… Especially since I apparently suck at reading Mist

Honestly curious what this is


I would probably take a cold shower for a week during the game

Ye probably stop using your past plays as reasonings to view people as one alignment or another

It’s not really super reliable

You and sulit (and me) are completely different people lol