Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

What was post 2375? You have five seconds.

Hes also referred to as Conrad

just ftr

w!arete indicates at least one strong wolf (who supported marl’s push) because they felt confident enough to basically dome me d1

this sounds egotistical but i mostly mean it in the sense that its abnormal behavior when they normally go for lhf or thread consensus

so yeah
which is a given
i think theres a wolf in here regardless

it said ok mr fucky wucky

you didn’t read that post

what the fuck

i haven’t actually read yet i said i was going to lmao
now leave me alone for the next several hours pls

Troch thats FK

not Mr Fucky Wucky LOL

constant ringing is annoying

ugh i have to
re-read arete


oh they mean me


I feel like I’m getting more and more toxic as the seconds tick on
I’ll probably either leave or start flaming people

i’m referring to a haha funny discord joke


The more Toxic it gets

honestly breather

like how im gonna probs take an 8 hour one for sleep here soon

you can always take it out on me if you want


burden of proficiency

if arete doesnt get a wolf theyre more likely to be a wolf

shitty but it be what it be
sorry youre a good player, arete

I don’t want to do that to you. I enjoy your friendship too much to lose it like this.

it’s ok

I’m voting one right now


eh if it helps you then go for it i can’t get mad about that
i’m working on emotion-separating, remember?