Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

I’m getting close


blizer do i actually know you from before fol

sorry that was baity in a way that’s unproductive regardless of your actual alignment


I do not think so no lol

this game sucks tbh

@Marluxion fuck yuou

A Canadian and Frenchman

wow, like that isnt something new


this is banterbtw

dont ban me mods

A Frenchman and a discount Frenchman

how the fuck do you know of the fact i used to go by conrad then wtf


History joke


people call you Conrad

so use it when i feel like Cents/Conrad



Ill use both

depends on what im feeling

who does that

this is a very productive threadstate

dumb take but Chloe pinging Marl to say ‘fuck you’ is about the villageriest thing she’s done all game

Me i guess lol

i feel like i have called you Conrad in previous games atleast once or twice

im legitimately offended