Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

I was doing so yesterday and I haven’t exactly been hard defending Chloe. Defending her yes mostly due to feeling sorry for her. Either way, Marshal needs to die today.

class about to start bye

I know AtE and all, but like

this feels like pretty fucking unatural tbh

I’m just getting paranoid about Chloe possibly being a wolf and think about it, if she actually is a wolf, then we’re screwed if we don’t get rid of her too.

And look how LAMIST Marshal has been all game. That never comes from a vilager.

class has started but teacher isn’t teaching yet and leafia has started to blatantly gaslight the thread

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Yeah, im not gonna let this go Leafia lol

I’m more concerned with winning than making sense right now.


Thats fair for most people

but it like, that post alone just destroys your progression completely lol

How does it do so? I’m not even the one who first suggested that e yeet both of them.

The issue is that you have been hard defending Chloe for the past 2 days vehemently

and then you suddenly say “Lets lynch her tmrw”

like, do you see the issue with that

Here’s how I came to the conclusion that doing so was for the best: I don’t remember who but someone suggested that we yeet both of them one right after the other to see where we stand. That and I’m getting sick and tired of people constantly ruining the game for Chloe by tunneling on her. Actually, forget what I said about lynching her tomorrow. Don’t know he you’re so against the idea though Blizen.

I kind of do now. I think I had a bit of a brain fart there.

This isnt me trying to be a dick and ruin the game for her

i legit think she is a wolf, and she honestly should have died day1, but ya know lolmodkill

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I honestly feel really sorry for Chloe regardless of her alignment to be honest as I know what it’s like to be scumread as town. The complete opposite of fun.

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Actually wanna know what Chloe`s last town game was btw

cause like, i wanna see if that intro is truly like NAI or it happends every time they are wolf

She isn’t a wolf here. Of th as t, I’m at least reasonably confident about that. I’m also certain that I’ll be the nightkill tonight unless scum thinks they can possibly get me in ad lynched due to what I said about Chloe. I don’t think they’ll try though but they might.


i doubt they NK you here

Wolves would much rather have you endgame then kill you unless all 3 wolves pocketed one person

You can’t base your entire read on someone on their intro. Even I was scumreading Chloe at first until I realized that she was very likely to be town. Marshal started scumreading Chloe for the flimsiest reasons imagineable and has projected an attitude of I just don’t care about the threadstate and then there’s their 180 on your slot. Mist was liter as lily clockwork to them before the swapout. It’s literally impossible for a villager to read someone as lock wolf to locktown in the spring as n of a few minutes ad a few posts just because that someoneswapped out.