Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

I’m the towniest looking person and Cloe’s biggest defender as well as the main pusher on Marshal. How am I not the nightkill here?

I mean

i think there better niight kills that can be used to setup mislynches easily

your too easy to pocket, and i think wolves would rather have you alive for endgame if your town, compared to like, me, FK, Cents, Marshll, etc

I don’t think I’m that easy to pocket as and Marsh as l isn’t town here.

All I can say is that once I DC ie tonight town, look back at my train of thought. I think Arete might be the second wolf but I have no idea on who the third one could be. Also, don’t utoclear Chloe just because I die either. While I don’t think it likely she’s a wws olf, the possibility foes exist that she is one.

Also, Marl was super easy to pocket too and look what happened to him last night.

I hate school. Not the concept, but the practice is terrible.
Anyway, potential teams for v!Marshal: Chloe, Windward… sulit? Gorta?
Potential teams for v!Chloe: Blizer, Arete, Marshal literally works, but also potential for Gorta/Sulit/FK


Anyway, either Leafia came to the same conclusion I did on Chloe or just lol!Leafiathings. Who knows?

FK and Arete can exist in both worlds imo

as wolves i mean

They are allowed to exist :^)

True. That we can agree on and I think Light ad I mindmelded ther.

Don’t say mindmeld like we have the same thought process, please.


Actually light

Your Thoughts on Cents in both those worlds

im acctually interested to why you read Conboi`s slot as more town in both those worlds

also, i think both cents and fk are voting Chleb rn

they are rn at l-2 to my knowledge

I’ve just been reading him V already, and although I agree that his interactions with Chloe have been all over the place, it’s in such a contentious way that I’m inclined to ignore it for the moment.

All right, thats fair

im gonna re read everyone no matter what tonight if Chloe flips W or T

Last VC was 700 posts ago so who knows.

I think Marshal is yop wagon at the moment actually.

@katze VC please?