Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

you know, it’s funny because every time this has been used as an argument against me it’s come from a wolf

I’m serious about this btw

if you don’t want me to accuse you of misrepresenting everything I’m saying you can start by not misrepresenting everything I’m saying :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

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this is not gonna cut it

I can actually see this at some points tbh?

I guess i didnt realize this is what you were arguing
No i did
But then my brain went “ok lets focus on figuring out sulit again”


I dont want wind out today under any circumstances

So its not a HUGE deal if i uh
Dont figure her out in the next hour or so lol

the thing is just that Arete is not responding particularly well to my pressure imo

I saw a weird response earlier in the day, when I questioned their attempt to derpclear Gorta and me

I saw a weird response in the middle of the ranch dip conversation

and I’m seeing a weird response here, too

and it’s very consistently “you are misrepresenting what I say”

I’m not going to pretend your arguments against me are better than they are

what kind of a response is this supposed to be?

02:31 chloe thought:

Arete is talking to Wind like Arete talked to Chloe at SoD1!!!

This means Chloe and Wind are same alignment, regardless of Arete’s alignment!!!

Yeah i needa sleep if im going to be up for eod and have any brainpower at all

So uh

when you wake up, can you elaborate on how you reached that conclusion in more detail?

woof I just realized I went the whole morning so far thinking EoD was in like half an hour from now
I forgot the EoD shifted lol

you’re complaining that I’m just accusing you of misrepresenting my arguments but that is literally what you’re doing, I’m not going to pretend you have a coherent case when you literally have yet to make a single argument that doesn’t start with your conclusion and find ways to justify it

actually it was never at that time wtf

arete wind v/v world living rent free in my head

I ISO’d as thoroughly as I could after I subbed in, and I ISO’d a couple people again during the night and during D2 to see if I could change my reads

a couple things changed but for the most part, no

so I did not start with a conclusion. I ISO’d.

and tomorrow Wind is going to be like ‘wow, it sure is unfortunate how we yeeted Arete and they flipped town, if only they hadn’t been so abrasive in response to my arguments, this sure is unfortunate and definitely not my fault at all’ nd you all are going to let them endgame and win

I do admit to ISOing FK at least twice if not three times because after SRing him and trying to push him I considered I could be wrong

not saying it can’t happen again with other slots

but this is my way of saying I did not have the conclusion already made

we’re yeeting arete?