Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses


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now switch back to Chloe

MRRR[quote=“katze, post:1, topic:85810, full:true”]

Shortnite 2: Return of the POGGERS

hosted by @katze and @katze

Reviewed and cohosted by @DatBird who is probably not @katze but you can’t be too sure


Follow the Global Forum/Discord/Game/Meta Rules - Please Read First , and the Official Forum Mafia and Forum of Lies Rules . Please make sure you have enough time for this game before you sign up.

A minimum of 20 game-relevant posts must be posted every day. Failure to meet the requirement will result in a warning or a forced replacement. However, hosts reserve the right to replace without a warning should we believe that it is positive for the game.


It’s 15 player mountainous lol


  • Days are 48 hours unless majority is reached early and nights are 24 hours.
  • Yeets are majority and plurality. In cases of a tie, the yeet will be determined randomly among the players receiving the most votes.
  • No-yeet is a valid vote, and may be hammered to end the day early. In cases where no-yeet and another vote are tied at the end of the day, no-yeet will have priority in the rand.
  • Self-votes are considered valid votes. Accompanied AtE is not required.
  • Votes are locked in MyLo and LyLo scenarios. That is to say, in situations where a misyeet or a no-yeet will guarantee a Mafia victory, the first vote cast by a given player is final and cannot be changed.
  • All votes must be in the form /vote [name of player] to be considered valid, and all unvotes must be in the form /unvote . This is to enable the smooth processing of votes.
  • The Mafia factional kill is mandatory. If no factional kill is submitted, the kill will be determined randomly from among living members of the town.
  • The Mafia will communicate through a private Discord server or forum topic.

Example Rolecards

Orange Justice

You are a member of the Town! You have no abilities, but you have a voice, and a vote.

Defeat the Mafia.

Orange Justice

You are a member of the Mafia! You share a 24/7 private chat with your teammates, and must factionally kill a member of the town each night.

Reach parity with the Town.

This flavor is not present in the game. Flavor is not alignment indicative in this setup.


12x Vanilla Town
3x Mafia Goon


  1. Light
  2. Arete
  3. Chloe
  4. sulit
  5. Firekitten
  6. an_gorta_pratai
  7. Wazza WindwardAway
  8. Grace
  9. Centuries
  10. Nightingale Trochilidae osieorb18
  11. Leafia
  12. Mistyx Blizer
  13. Marshal
  14. EVO - Modkilled D1 - BabyRage
  15. Marluxion - Killed N1 - KappaPride


  1. Whysper
  2. ArcticXI
  3. This could be you!


  1. Amelia (Informed)
  2. KyoDaz (Uninformed)
  3. Youbutworse (Informed)
  4. min (minformed)
  5. Conduit (Uninformed)
  6. Shurian (Uninformed)
  7. thepigeonnyc (Uninformed)
  8. CRichard564 (Uninformed)
  9. EliThePsycho (Informed)
  10. Jane (Informed)
  11. astand (Informed)
  12. Surge


EoD1: weh EVO
EoN1: rip Marl


Invalid formatging poggg

sorry I keyboard spammed and it

did that

Yes it was. He isn’t voting Marshal any more if he swaps back to Chloe.


What the duck

/vote chloe

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what are my two wolfy posts and my one towny post
chloe quoted one of them already

if you vote chloe > me I’ll post the following fortnite dances tommorow

  • Orange Justice
  • Floss
  • Best Mates


He’s literally openwolfing with you right now.


I’m revealing as a 1-shot Lightning rod mayor

I can get 3x more votes by revealing and then at night I can force wolves to kill me

This is unfair

Im on a toilet with my phone and that boi is on a laptop


give ur vote to chloe

she only got one of them though

Sulit be on the right side of history

why did this still end in a thunderdome

if arete was w/w with one of the people of chloe and marshal why ddi they not push on someone else to completelpy pull them out

You mean the gamer side

I have more important things to do than waste my single “monitor” on isoing you when this is the most important time to realtime


Guess im leaving it at 1