Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

Please Grace, just vote Marshal. It’s the right thing to do here.

Chloe is going to flip wolf and I know it

i feel like fk’s insistency is so fucking annoying that its now wrapping around to townie

Getting Banned Banners Votes to be Banned
Marshal Chloe, Centuries, WindwardAway, Leafia, Light 5/7
Chloe Marshal, Firekitten, an_gorta_pratai, Blizer 4/7
Firekitten Arete 1/7
Not Voting Grace, sulit, osieorb18 3

I’m spewing them wolf as my partner so plz just take the free wolf pelt

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Please vote chloe grace

You don’t have much to trust me on but

I’m town. I know it. So many people are trying to push me that at least 1 has to be a wolf, and wolves want to keep their buddies alive.

I just skimmed through your ISO and don’t see anything on Chloe recently

If Marshal is somehow town, I’ll take full responsibility.

@Centuries wya

i havent felt your presence recently

No. If you value your sanity tomorrow, you vote Marshal here.

im here lurking

okay but that’s because they aren’t recent

they were all previous reasons

do you have any thoughts

jokes on you I have no sanity

If i die here as villager you all get nowhere, you realize that?

Right now, I’ll do anything it takes to get the M obvious wolf yeeted.

apart from the fact sulit is giga awkward nlt rly

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thats not true

because then arete is near-lock villager to me

villagery!!! MRRRRRrrr

Ok can u tell me how to vote pls I forget