Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

I’m going to bathroom brb

Glad I’m not the only one is reading that aswell

Nope. She’s going to flip villager and you know it.

People who have felt off tonally this game

stares at list
what the FUCK



defend me
you village read me

i’m going to l-1 soon
where are you at

No. Vote Marshal. Please.

sulit trying to find an excuse to vote me or stay off wagons bc she’ll look Bad and people will go ‘sulit bad!!!’

why does litlit care

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i dont even think chloe is lockwolf it’s like a 50% chance but im NOT going down here today

This is my legacy btw i guess

That’s what the wolves defending you are trying to do right now.

i cant decide !

i need to vote in two people


i think

the wolves are not in those two people!!!

i am currently staring at the people on either wagon trying to decide which one is more likely to have wolves on it

You’re not a villager and even if you are, it’ll give us valuable info.

3/5 of my PoE is on my wagon

aaaargh this post

** then /name **without spaces.

I mean, you had forty minutes to convince us of a case on someone else
and then you literally did fuckall for 23 of them
so you’re entirely responsible for this position you’re in


like poeple would fucking move

of either

while yelling at me to hurry up in vote for the past hour

Half of me goes ‘why are people voting me over marshal, who has done like… 1/3rd of the work ive done this game’

then my brain goes ‘actually i havent really done anything i just have a lot of posts’

then its ‘actually wait if i die and marshal is a villager hes the one who has to live with this shit for another day lol get fucked’

Ban Count

Getting Banned Banners Votes to be Banned
Marshal Chloe, Centuries, WindwardAway, Leafia, Light 5/7
Chloe Marshal, Firekitten, an_gorta_pratai, Blizer 4/7
Firekitten Arete 1/7
Not Voting Grace, sulit, osieorb18 3

Yell at me or another Host/VC Bot if this VC is wrong.

i hate this game