Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

like thats the thing

3 wolves not on that wagon

would be the most shocking thing in the world

there is a wolf on that wagon

i refuse to think its like


cause thats stupid as fuck for the wolves not to be on that wagon

ok so you have to admit that there is a misclear (i give you me/fk/chloe as not misclear if uwant, i dont think u can add chloe/fk to a team an dit becomes that)

why is it stupid for wolves to not be on marshal???

Didn’t Light just throw his vote on Marshal kind of nonchalantly
I don’t remember him SRing Marshal, I remember him saying he was bored and wanted someone to vote

he wanted people to find his whatever posts and then he’d give them his vote

light had weird eod yeah

he was bored and wanted us to look thru his iso for posts or whatever

Maybe I should do that. I don’t want him sheeping me, I just want to ISO him.

I have school tomorrow and my brain is literally dying so I’m probably not going to posts for like…a while

don’t do anything stupid when I’m gone

Why would all 3 wolves

avoid a wagon that will mislynch a townie

that makes

like no sense, unless town is self destrcuting as fuck

And thats why im saying

there is a wolf and to say there isnt is just stupid imo

i think light is a villager

but his state of boredom and complacency is weird as fuck

From today I asked him if he saw my wall from overnight and he went “yeah and I don’t believe it” and voted me

both wagons

it doesnt matter which they vote
they vote who they have the most progression on and wont look bad voting

its possible

also like, people said that about me but

they’d be kinda complacent at eod if V/V

Isn’t it most likely someone who voted Marshal in both eods? That points to centuries or me.

Like its fine if one, hell two do

but i feel like unless wolves have a specific plan in mind

i think one is always on the wagon


a villager goes over there no matter what

its not like wolves lose out if they dont vote marshal

i dont get this

that’s d1

See I’m worried it’s a misclear on light
Or osie
They had opposite reactions to my wallposts

it makes more sense progression wise for me to just stay tunneled on chloe