Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

I can still see wolf you

but even then

there is a wolf on the marsh wagon, hell two maybe

we need to get this wolf is what im saying

Oh whoops I misread that lol.

Actually yeah

should we re read light

cause we kinda have just put in village core really

and we havent touched the slot as much as we probs should

Yes, this
Also the one not going over by a narrow margin

okay but wagonomics isnt how youre going to find the wolves

at least not looking at votes and votes only

the only things that matter here are context of votes, and behavior when they voted / during eod

who people voted doesnt matter

I never put him in towncore
I literally just ignored his slot which has kept him out of the PoE, but it’s not a clear

i was going to say that ure supposed to look at how the votes are made and stuff

Thats true and i agree

which is why we should go through all people on that wagon and find out their reasoning for voting marsh there

I don’t even remember exactly when I voted Marshal


I didn’t really suspect much either until he decided to just ignore my wallpost and vote me which I find kind of questionable

He didn’t actually write a case on me but maybe that’s how he usually is?

Like i think we have ignored light this day so far

and that is a slot we should re read

i may do that tmrw when i have energy to do so

But Osie pushed him briefly at SoD so idk what to make of that
Osie also listed me in their PoE but read my posts and then took me out of it

Osie said my posts look like I believed my reads at least
Light said he just didn’t like them so lol
Idk what to make of that

i have never played with osie

so i dont know how they play as wolf or town tbh

I know it sounds like I’m being egocentric but the stark contrast in their treatment of my slot made me feel weird about how it was being handled

blizer why do you want to find the 1 and maybe at most 2 but then we have a heavy missclear wolf on the marshal wagon

when like i think there’s a smaller sample for misclear and probably wolves on chloe

Same, and they linked games but I don’t have the time to read them before EoD

Also Osie was just afk at EoD so we can’t read their slot off wagonomics

I gotta stop posting and try to sleep again
brain go brrrr


but why ignore the marshal wagon then

dont get me wrong, we should look at the chloe wagon aswell

we should look at both tbh