Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

i mean this is normally where you’d talk about the wallpost and how its wrong but

Yeah my mind is mush and I have no points to refute because Sulit pointed out all the same things Arete did
and I can’t argue with Arete because they are a dead townie

I mean Sulit just reiterated Arete’s points and said the interaction looks wolfy so uh
I have no counterarguments because saying the same damn thing every single time has gotten me nowhere and I have no new arguments on the matter


Like in all honesty
I have no defense here




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If you yeet me it’s basically a policy yeet because I’m not a wolf
But that’s fine because I’ve been playing suboptimally since I subbed in and I honestly do not think I’ve contributed anything useful to the game

:tongue: :cactus:

I owe an apology to Arete in dead chat anyway

sulit why are you emojiposting and not talking to your wolfread

She probably thinks she’s boxed me in because I have no defense and I’m also completely unwilling to come up with one

Sulit do you have anything to add?


Shitposting more fun than play game

sulit why wim low


But aren’t you supposed to be pushing me?


Well that wasn’t very productive


I mean Sulit made a long ass post and ISO’d the interaction between Arete and me but then she just… posts emojis I guess

this game is so scuffed