Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses


Did you read the wallpost I made overnight continuing why I thought Arete was a wolf, despite that they literally died?

(after this I’ll let you sleep)

what was this btw
what reactions, and why did they strike you as hecky

no I didn’t know it existed where’s that

i love that one of the best towncases i’ve made (that wasn’t on a wolf) went to waste

life is pain

One of the worst wolfcases I ever made went to waste
Guess I’m in a better position lol

Looking back I think they were just reactions to Sulit posting that much in one go because it looked pretty impressive

Idk everything looks hecky to me at this point

I shouldve slept

no like

these are all the reactions to the wallpost

whats weird about them
felt like an odd overreaction

Idk it just felt weird
like the thread felt weird

weird in what way

describe it to me

:hole: :man_in_motorized_wheelchair:


I have no fucking clue
It might be because I find Conroy’s reaction like an odd way of mindmelding on a part i had to actually reread twice but that’s very likely because it’s 5:30 in the morning for me so I’m probably the weird one
Blizer sounded like of like he thought the timing of the wallpost was weird but there’s nothing really weird about that
I didn’t get what you were asking either until it became more clear you just didn’t know what whe was
And I didn’t question it lol

Is this like when I’m just supposed to give up and go to sleep

Mmmmm alright

where’s your mind at rn

Cause I thought maybe I’d be able to clear myself in the thread while answering when tired
But that’s literally been me all week and this game has been a disaster from my pov so I guess this wasn’t a good idea