Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

I’ve been wrong for two days

wait no

dont vote chloe

Not voting Chloe right now

id rather the village be 10x you than 10x grace

but then id rather have 10x obv town solver with 90% correct reads

If you had 10x grace you would’ve solved the game by now

i guess

but u cant have 10x grace because it’s

A pretty easy to fake
B no oe is solving then


I’m not sure if I’m doing worse in this game or in the JoAT game where I yeeted Light and lost the game

i dont even fucking know what to think of sulit post

mood dude

its so odd how she has my typing style when im angry

Ok yeah it was him pushing you very specifically
I’ll interrogate him when he’s up on whether he read my post or not but I’m guessing he didn’t care

is there room for fk to be just playing terribly

Light: you guys should actually read me
Light: please re-read me
Light: here’s this thing that forces you guys to read me
Blizer: I don’t think we’ve been reading Light enough


Idk either
I’m the subject of the post and I actually don’t know what to do with it
because for the most part it feels like Sulit is just reiterating all of Arete’s points and not making new ones
But she can also safely do that because Arete flipped town

Considering he and I were both dead wrong about Arete and I know I’m town? Maybe
But he’s also more experienced than I am so I’m not really sure how to factor that in

Fuck, literally all my answers are just “idk”

sulit is arete’s 4th biggest SR btw

she’s like

just before me

Maybe I should go look for Arete’s case on Sulit. I think I bookmarked their legacy post overnight when I was quoting it.

arete literally wrote 2 lines on her i think