Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

And before anyone mentions anything about bookmarks it has absolutely nothing to do with derp clearing. I’m just saying there are too many fucking posts in this thread to NOT bookmark, regardless of alignment.

Well uh
I’ll look anyway


stop being so self aware it makes me wanna throw up

i dont even know how to bookmark a post

im an old man

They put Sulit as “could go either way”

I literally only realized how to bookmark after Chloe mentioned it lol
Like I had accidental bookmarks before but I didn’t consciously do them

It’s literally because I don’t like clearing people for trivial things.

whhen im a wolf having someone cleared for bs reasons feel awful bc i cant contest it

when im town i dont do it because im paranoid

maybe i should derp clear more

Also I’m an extremely paranoid player and I think it reflects in how I’ve played this game in particular :confused: like “is this a pocket?” “is this a fake clear?” “is this agenda?” literally my problem is that I am paranoid in forum mafia.

did sulit even vote you wind


I asked her and she posted emojis instead

So idk

i dont understand

Me neither
And that’s why I was so lost after the followup to her wallpost

Like ok she SRs me but then what
Emoji emoji no vote

Unless she already voted me earlier and I didn’t see it, but I legit don’t think she voted me

are we not going to vote fk/chloe

bc i dont want chloe dead

but there’s more people who dont like chloe than people who do

I think I might be ok with voting FK but I’m a little shaky on his slot

Sulit is just questionable at this point for me
Like idk, she wallposted and parroted Arete’s read on me and didn’t vote me?
Can I fault her for that?probably not
But where’s the followup