Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

ok actually that VC doesn’t look any better really
I don’t want to get domed with FK because I’m fairly sure it’s a v/v wagon

chloe wagon time



what the fuck no

cfd to chloe for the memes?

/vote Chloe @Marluxion


but what about the memes fk

can this thread stop please j

oh shit I look really bad for voting Chloe right when you said that

Do we flip chloe to like

just end this all

to see if we are idiots for like actually townreading again from her terrible intro and letting her escape

fuck me man

well whatever
I’ll just vote her because at this point I think the only way for town to redeem itself is to yeet Chloe

im kinda gamer for it

cause like

my mental is boom anyways at this point of time lmao

we desperately need her flip so we can stop sitting around thinking if we’ve let her fucking wolfsteer the entire game

what if we were right all along

this game is literally weh

same energy

if she flips wolf

i can both eat crow and not at the same time lol

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the more you say it the more tempting it gets

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lmao mood

My favourite thing is like

its happening

a flash wagon on chloe

as your predicted