Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

what if the real wolves were the friends we made along the way

I predicted it and I can do nothing to stop the madness

look either way dvc is malding


we’re actually all wolves and we’re losing the game for ourselves by winning

DVC please be gentle on my play this game

is this the pogger way

This statement singlehandedly just decimated my knowledge of the english language

chloe wagon is a mood

not sure i agree with

but its a mood


but really, isn’t it weird that Chloe left her vote on FK despite TRing him?
she keeps doing that, like she suddenly TRs whoever is being wagoned or dies at night

this is making my anxiety worse even more

you’re welcome

I have to study for an exam but I’m so on edge that I’m still sitting here fretting over the VC

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it was FK/Chloe all along

Leafia had the solve on D2

Gtg now may pop in every now and then

I gotta go check the laundry lol, be back

so who are we actually wagonning

I’m voting Chloe
I’m ok with voting myself if the rest of you unanimously decide to vote me, but I can’t tell whether you’re going to do it or not

No idea, but im interested in like

who people vote here for lmao

We’re waiting until at least xx:00 so we don’t have another ‘me’ situation

I either embrace the meme or like do the probably best play