Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

@Firekitten @Marshal make sure the wagon sways back before EOD

Almost like Chloe had a reason to change herread


there’s just enough tinybrain villagers to fuck up this game

Yeah. Thankfully we’re here to mitigate the damage…

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you are bad at this

change her read on herself

your post was about night

if you fuck up this free win i will never forgive you

bottom text

your tunnels annoying and filling up thread why do you have to bring it back to Chloe


because she is a wolf

literally anyone with common sense can tell


As was made clear by the last 1500 posts where we never dropped the topic


wow it’s almost like the goal of the game is to lynch the wolves

Weird timing and placement for this to be theatrics btw

Low level but makes me not think w/w

Wow it’s almost like there’s 3 wolves

if you’re tired of it hammer her and i’ll stop but i wont until then

okay so remove the guaranteed one and we’ll talk

/vote marl

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Marl do you know what votes are for in fm

Its more than just for killing people

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