Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

this is why i said make sure it swings back before EOD

and who pray tell would those be


also i dont need a lesson on how to play the game from the outed wolf

Light and Leafia

I’m probably unvoting in a few hours lol

I’ll even make sulit vote me

Youre getting worked up over nothing

marl tmi’d light/leafia v

ez game

go away

Preflips kill braincells

@Aelin @sulit @Mistyx

All three of you should vote me an hour or so before EoD to make certain I’m the elim

Sound good?

people defending the obvious wolf kills braincells as well
light and leafia are literally white knighting an outed wolf and i’m being treated like the bad guy for wanting to win the fucking game

ill accept a written apology from both at SOD 2, 100 characters minimum

Because they don’t agree with your perception of an outed wolf, they want to win too


Stop interacting with marl

It wont get anywhere

Just stop

prepare it during the night

Thread is becoming toxic again

if i die, someone else make them

I don’t know about you but I really enjoy the game when we only discuss how one slot could be a wolf for the entirety of the day

I should just vote chloe and only talk about how she’s a wolf now since we’re always lynching her today


Passive aggressiveness wont help us win the game

Im hypocritical
But really this isnt a good use of our time

i’m not going to be gaslit by two wolves into not pushing a wolf

Marl, you literally have 24 hours to kill Chloe, be patient