Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

oh shit my hot wings are ready

what do you mean by comprehensive

I couldn’t make my posts any clearer

I meant like… in-depth. But you’re on mobile, so quotes are kinda out of the question shrug

I think people mistake “long” as “good and detailed analysis” when analyzing people don’t really need that many posts

I meant “words”

I’m going to be 110% honest with you: My main goal in asking for detailed thoughts on people are so I can attempt to read you, Firekitten. That’s why I asked for someone I knew we agreed on, so I could see if your thought process was in any way similar to mine.

I’m at ~500 and I feel like I’ve been mindmelding with Marshal’s thoughts a fair amount

this isn’t a townread because he’s said in the past that he does that on purpose too when he’s scum

also this post scares me, which is silly, but

flashbacks to Tos2399

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not really no


…you don’t really need long posts from me to read me, the way you read me is to look at my posts and see if my web of posts seem to tangle in the right way which doesn’t make sense but imagine replacing certain words in this diagram

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wait thats not normal storytelling?

Food is here


fk and chloe randomly talking about food in the span of 10m

.>rand w/w tbh

Going through FK’s ISO and just noticed this
flashback to the time Leafia subbed into BotFIII, essentially openwolfed in under 30 minutes and sunk the entire scum team

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walk me through your progression here because right now it’s kind of :eyes:

what did you see while re-reading that you didn’t notice the first time

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fk reminds me of the game that he was a villager intentionally posting to get wolfread

im not sure how to feel about this

the attitude in this post feels mildly villagery (regardless of Chloe’s alignment)

like her perspective feels ?real?

her = Mist