Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

can we d1 policy leafia and just hold over arete / chloe for d2

Ban Count

Getting Banned Banners Votes to be Banned
Marluxion Nightingale, Light, Leafia 3/8
Light Mistyx 1/8
Chloe Arete 1/8
Arete Chloe 1/8
Not Voting sulit, Firekitten, an_gorta_pratai, Wazza, Grace, Marshal, EVO, Marluxion, Centuries 9

leafia v that was easy

should note that below the line is >rand W


this take lacks the depth of V!Chloe takes

you’re basically going ‘Arete is trying to look like they’re solving, therefore they’re a wolf’ without … considering the possibility that in fact I am just trying to solve

you say that I don’t believe my reads but literally don’t have any examples even just of a read that made you think that

you had the conclusion in mind before you filled in the reasoning

the analogy was explicitly intended to show that the read wasn’t strong at that point

like even if I am trying to be charitable to the prospect of town!Chloe the best thing I can come up with is ‘maybe Chloe just can’t … read’

the comment about it removing your ability to refute said argument is also kind of a stretch

rather than trying to figure out my mindset for scumreading you, you went ‘Arete made a read on me that I don’t like so they are scum’

well actually the thought process was ‘Chloe did something kinda wolfy but I don’t know if it’s actually wolf-AI’

you calling that townie is kind of :joy_cat: and also self-aware but that’s not the point

bad marshal disagree

dude if i found the scum vs scum i’m going to be so fucking arrogant for the rest of my career

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oh my god nobody is reading any of those


I’m not reading any of these wallposts


mindmeld lock lazy

I’m skimming them
They mean nothing to me, though.

ive read all of them and i dont really think much of them


we can vote out Chloe today for a free pelt

second counterpoint

Chloe just kills me tonight because it’s not like anyone follows my reads after I die :upside_down_face:

oh I guess you addressed that

Arete vs Chloe just feels off to me but I haven’t read anything

oh no arete hasn’t gotten to me calling it w/w yet so they can’t be disappointed in me yet

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arete’s point is like “chloe v would be better” but like my last game with v chloe was 9+ months ago im fairly sure

kinda stupid take

i kinda like arete for the fact that they liked my post after they finished their wallpost which lets me know that theyre reading up and actually care about thread

this isn’t me calling it w/w btw, this is literally me calling it weird